Coddenham Parish Council
Coddenham Parish Council provides Parish, District and County Council information as well as relevant national Government advice and guidance . The site provides details of the Parish Council, meetings including agendas and minutes of meetings, policies etc.
Details can be found at theCoddenham Parish Council Website
Coddenham Parish Council – 2023
Following the local elections in early May 2023, your new Parish Council is in place to serve the community for the next four years. Although we have 11 seats, we start this new phase with six councillors.
All Councillors are committed to working with other Parish organisations as members of the Coddenham Community Response Group (CCRG) and our County and District Councillors for the collective benefit of Parish residents.
In the latter case this will include a new District Councillor, Dave Penny (Green Party), who we welcome. Our other District Councillor is John Whitehead (Conservative), who retained his seat and is known to many residents of Coddenham for the support he has provided over the last four years.
He is also now ‘one of us’, both moving to the Village and becoming a Parish Councillor, alongside his District mandate. Matthew Hicks (Conservative) Leader of Suffolk County Council, remains our County Councillor.
Your Parish Councillors are:
· Councillor Donald Burton
· Councillor Rob Denning
· Councillor Sarah Gregory (Chair)
· Councillor Nick Mills (Vice Chair)
· Councillor Jane Soanes
· Councillor John Whitehead
Council is supported fully by our Clerk, Sue Frankis (who may be contacted by email at, by phone on 07548 152181).
Become a Parish Councillor
We are keen to encourage others to join the Council to fill all or some of the 5 open positions via being co-opted. Council’s benefit from having a range of views from residents who want to contribute for the good of the whole community. We encourage anyone to come and talk to one or more of us and to sit in on a Parish Council meeting. These are held six times a year. Please contact Sue Frankis, or feel free to approach a Councillor, if you are interested.
Councillor responsibilities
Alongside their collective roles, your new Parish Council has agreed that individual councillors should have the following specific responsibilities:
Cllr Gregory, Cllr Mills and Cllr Whitehead, with the Clerk
Green spaces and Footpaths inc Trustees
Cllr Burton, Cllr Mills and Cllr Soanes
Cllr Gregory
Cllr Denning and Cllr Gregory
Cllr Denning
Websites (Parish and Parish Council)
The Clerk
Ten Village News
Cllr Mills
Energy conservation and recycling
Cllr Gregory, Cllr Mills and Cllr Soanes
The Community Shop liaison
Cllr Whitehead
The Day Foundation liaison
Cllr Denning
The Coddenham Centre liaison
Cllr Mills
CCRG liaison
Cllr Mills
Cllr Gregory
Gardemau Trusts liaison
Cllr Whitehead
We aim to be a proactive Parish Council and engage with residents at every opportunity. Notwithstanding, if you have a comment to make or an issue to raise, please contact us either via the Clerk or directly. We also run occasional ‘drop in’ surgeries at the Community Shop. Contact us for details.