News & Information


SAVE THE DATE – Coddenham Fete 2025 is set for 13th July!

by | Sep 23, 2024 | CCRG, Community, Front Page, Meeting

CP Masthead

As a first-time organiser, I’m looking for more enthusiastic volunteers to help make next year’s fete a fantastic event. Whether you’d like to join the planning team, have helpful contacts, or can assist on the day, I’d love to hear from you!

Right now, I’m especially seeking those who want to take on a key role in organising part of the fete and work alongside a wonderful team of volunteers. If that sounds like you, join us at our kick-off meeting on 15th October, 7:00–8:30 pm at the Coddenham Centre Meeting Room.

There are plenty of other ways to get involved, both before and during the event, so if you’re keen to help, I’ll find a role for you!

Please get in touch: 07736933582 /


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