Our first collection of the year.
It resulted in a literal van-full of items for the Stowmarket waste site, a significant number of wine corks destined for Majestic and a car-load of tools, including four sowing machines which will be with Tools-with-a-Mission in Ipswich.
Proof again that community recycling is necessary for those who either don’t drive or find it difficult to recycle at the county’s waste sites. A start was also made on collecting books and bric-a-brac for this year’s parish fete.
Alongside the recycling, cake, sausage rolls and hot drinks were available and enjoyed by several residents; another opportunity to catch-up.
A big thanks to Sarah and David undertaking the mainstay of the transport of items for recycling, Gail and the Coddenham Centre for providing the food and Julie and Diane for serving the refreshments. Thank you also to our district councillors, Dave and John for provision of locality funding to support our 3Rs events this year.
Coddenham Cares!
Pics; Nick Mills, Jane Soanes, David Oliver.