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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – RE-RUN!

by | Mar 24, 2024 | Coddenham Cares, Around and About, Environment, News, The Coddenham Centre

Village Halls Week

Saturday proved an even busier day in Coddenham!

Despite worthy competing events (for the same fund-raising!), the Coddenham Centre saw a busy three hours on Saturday 23rd, with the first of the REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE projects.

Led by Jane Soanes and Nick Mills, building on Coddenham’s and the Centre’s established support for #Creating the Greenest County, there were brisk bric-a-brac sales with funds going to St Mary’s repairs, a good collection of recycling, support from MSDC and Suffolk Master Composters, the Choose Refills truck, plus delicious lunches from the Coddenham Centre team.

Although details are to be finalised, REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE, will be repeated, with the next one joining the SUMMER BRUNCH , on Sunday June 15th.

Congratulations everyone involved and thank you Coddenham & neighbours for your support. A fitting finale to #VillageHallWeek!



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