Jubilee Calendar Photo Competition
From Coddenham-Parish.uk
About the Jubilee Calendar
This is an exciting year for Coddenham as it not only celebrates the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, but carefully treads the way to a ‘new normal’ post the COVID pandemic.
We want to capture this year in photographs of the Parish of Coddenham, its people, places, events and anything that reflects what a beautiful location and vibrant community we are.
Photographs can be of any standard, as long as they are printable. So no matter if you are a ‘happy snapper’ or a professional, we want photographs that capture 2022.
Thirteen winning photographs will be featured in a 2023 calendar, that will go on sale Christmas. The proceeds will go to continuing to support this community website, charitable and voluntary activities in Coddenham,
One photograph will be selected for the cover and will recieve a £50 voucher for the Coddenham Community Shop. Up to twelve more photographs will receive a Coddenham Jubilee commemorative china mug.

Competition rules
- Photographs must be original and created by the person submitting them.
- You must be a Coddenham Parish resident of more than six months.
- The picture must have been taken within the Parish of Coddenham.
- Please obtain any individual subject’s permission for publication.
- Up to three photographs can be submitted per person.
- The competition closes the 30th September 2022.
- The judge’s decision will be final.
Terms & Conditions.
- By supplying the photograph, you assign full and unlimited permission for publication by the Coddenham Community Response Group.
- They must not be subject to copyright or any restrictions that prevent our printing for sale purposes.
- The photograph must be original.
- All successful photographs will be creditted to the originator.
- Up to thirteen prizes will be awarded.
- The competition is subject to the competition rules and the judges decision will be final.