St Mary’s Church Coddenham

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Message From the North Bosmere Benefice Ministry Team

by | Jan 2, 2025 | Church Events, Coddenham Church, News

St Mary’s Church in snow


I have always thought January a rather disappointing month. We have the greeting of the new year then we collapse into what is usually the worst of the winter weather, cold and depressing.

Yet it needs not to be so, for we have just had the joy of Christmas and the Epiphany is upon us with Scholars from the East paying homage to the Christ child showing us how God intended his gift of salvation to reach out all across the world that each of us might find salvation if we have the faith and courage to grasp it. Salvation does not lie in this in this world, and it is folly to look for it here. Salvation lies in the next world, with the forgiveness only God can give. A total forgiveness which like the love of God is far greater than any worldly love.

As we enter a new year we must have hope for the future, but above all we must have faith, for faith is the key to salvation.

Minnie Louise Haskins wrote ‘I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year ~ Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown – and he replied “ Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way”’

Therefore, let us reach out to the world beyond our own beautiful countryside seeking a new beginning both in our thoughts and prayers.
Rev Bill Rootes

The Notice Sheet for 5th January can be found here

Morning Prayer at St Mary’s at 9.30am on Sunday 5th January.  All are welcome.



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