The North Bosmere Benefice celebrated harvest on Sunday in a Covid safe way!
Since congregational singing is still banned during church worship the benefice came up with an innovative way to celebrate harvest. Thanks to David Tydeman the benefice were able to hold a Drive In Harvest Festival on his farm in Stonham Aspal. The music was provided ‘live’ by the socially distanced Benefice Band and the ‘congregation’ were able to sing along by remaining in their socially distanced cars and opening their windows. Over 60 cars attended along with their passengers. A collection of £650 was made for the Farming Community Network and gifts of food were collected for the Stowmarket Foodbank.
The music was great and Rev. Philip Payne led the congregation in prayers and a short sermon. The ‘congregation’ agreed that it was an uplifting service and are now thinking ahead to Christmas – watch this space!!