Community Shop News

A village shop serving and supporting the rural community

Get Creative Coddenham!

by | Apr 14, 2020 | Coddenham Community Shop, News



Create a rainbow

It has been great to see the rainbows popping up in windows around the village.  It would be amazing to be able to decorate the shop window with rainbows when it reopens next week, so here is your chance to get creative.  If you paint, sew, knit, collage or create in any other way this is your chance to create a rainbow for the shop window.  Contributions from all age groups would be amazing, so if your children are bored during their school holiday please encourage them to get creative.

Please post your works of art through the letter box at The Pink House, Church Road or for large contributions call Debbie (01449 761793) and we will arrange an alternative ‘safe’ delivery.  Please include yoiur name on your work so that we can acknowledge your creativity.


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