If you are experiencing Financial Hardship, or you know of someone who is, support can be found locally through the organisations listed below.
Invariably the sooner help is sought the more options that are available.
Citizens’ Advice Mid-Suffolk: can help with a range of issues including money and debt advice, Call 01449 676060 or contact them online at https://midsuffolkcab.org.uk/contact-us/ Advisors are available Monday to Thursday from 09.30 to 15.30 and on Fridays from 09.30 to 12.30.
Day Foundation – This Coddenham charity has a limited fund able to be applied immediately for those in urgent need. Apply to hayselhouse@btinternet.com or 01449 761732 and speak to Claire Martin.
Gardemau Trusts (in Coddenham) – two of the trusts are able toassist residents in need. Please contact, David McDonnell (Chairman) at mcdonnellda59@gmail.com or Tim Thomas (Treasurer) at tim.thomas100@btinternet.com
Families in Need (FIND) Ipswich – for over 30 years, FIND has offered a lifeline to people in Ipswich and the surrounding areas who are experiencing poverty and despair. It provides free food parcels and personal care items to help people get through a crisis, as well as furniture, bedding and other household items where the person or family has none. Call 01473 833351. Requests for food parcels do require a referral for an official agency and a list of these is available at https://www.findipswich.org.uk/referring-agencies
Stowmarket and Area Foodbank at Stowmarket Community Centre https://www.livingit.org.uk/foodbank/ is open Mondays to Fridays 09.00 to 13.00. Everyone who needs a food parcel is required to be referred by one of our 50+ referral agencies, (CAB, Schools, Support workers, Health visitors, BMSDC) these agencies will complete the paperwork and get in touch with us on their behalf.
Home Start Suffolk is ready and willing to support families through their toughest times. Call 01473 621104 or go to https://www.homestartinsuffolk.org/support-offered/
Mid-Suffolk District Council Cosy Homes is an initiative to provide grants of up to £3,500 to householders who are Suffolk residents, to improve the insulation of their homes, thus reducing their heating bills. Go to https://www.midsuffolk.gov.uk/w/mid-suffolk-cosy-homes for details. If you need help with your application, please email cosyhomes@baberghmidsuffolk.gov.uk or phone 0300 1234000 (Option 7).
Warm Homes Suffolk is a service designed to help vulnerable and low-income households make their homes less expensive to heat. Call 03456 037686 or go to https://www.warmhomessuffolk.org
CAP Debt Help is there to provide help and confidential advice Monday to Thursday 09.30 to 17.00 and on Fridays from 09.30 to 15.30. Call 0800 3280006 and you will be connected to someone to help you. Peter Watson is the Debt Centre Manager in Ipswich.
Breathing Space (Debt Respite Scheme) Breathing Space is a scheme that gives applicants time to take steps towards managing their debt by:a) temporarily halting enforcement action from creditors and b) freezing interest and fees for a set period. It can be accessed via debt councillor services including Citizens’ Advice and StepChange Debt Charity https://www.stepchange.org or call 0800 138 1111
Turn2Us – is a national charity that helps people in financial need gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and other financial help – online, by phone and face to face through our partner organisations. Its website contains lots of useful information including a comprehensive benefits calculator https://www.turn2us.org.uk