Coddenham Village History Club

Preserving the History of Coddenham

Coddenham Facts

From time to time we will post historical information which may be of interest to both the casual browser and those seeking relatives for their family tree

Can you help us locate houses on the 1911 Census ?

On the census returns for villages like Coddenham it is sometimes difficult to determine which house is being referred to largely, of course, because houses were not numbered and many were not named. On a  downloable PDF of the 1911 Census linked here  we have attempted to give the modern name to a house. Can you help us by identifying the house by the occupants and therefore giving us the modern house name ?

Burial List  (Churchyard)

The downloadable PDF linked here is an Index Of Burials compiled from a handwritten original. Unfortunately several parts were unreadable . This list is for the graveyard by the church and not the more recent graveyard near the three-cocked-hat