Coddenham Natural History Trail
Discover the Fauna and Flora around Coddenham Village

Enjoyable and informative walks and trails around Coddenham.
The Coddenham Natural History Trail has been curated over several years. This year it was refreshed and re-signed for the benefit of residents and visitors alike.
Five new signs can be found at the locations listed and linked below. We plan to update these pages in the future, with expanded and seasonal information.
Information Board Locations
Mill Hill
Named after the mighty windmill that dominated the village until the early part of the 20th Century.
Information board detail page →
The Coddenham Centre
Our award winning community centre that is now an environmental exemplar.
Information board detail page →
The Coddenham Recreation Ground
Donated by the then owners of the Shrubland Hall estate over 100 years ago, for the enjoyment of residents, their children and of course, guests.
Information board detail page →
St Mary's Churchyard
Our ancient church, rich in history and a renowned churchyard for its wildflowers.
Information board detail page →
Broom Hill
Bought by Coddenham residents over 50 years ago and tended by volunteers.
Information board detail page →
Credits: Our thanks to Jane Soanes for initiation and narrative, Andrew MacPherson & Paul Taylor for production and design, John Woodcock for artwork, Brenda Hudson for flora and fauna advice, Andrew Soanes & Dave Wythe for installation, the Day Foundation, Gardemau Trusts & Suffolk County Council for their sponsorship, plus all the volunteers who have supported the Coddenham Nature Trail since 2004.