Coddenham Parish Council has organised a project update presentation by the Sizewell C team starting at 7pm on Tuesday, 25th July at the Coddenham Centre.
It is an opportunity for residents and Parish organisations to better understand the current position of the project and what it might mean for Coddenham residents if development of Sizewell C progresses.
Those attending from the project team aren’t the people to lobby with our personal views about the Sizewell site and/or nuclear fission energy more generally. It is far better that all comments in those respects are sent to our MP, Dan Poulter and local opposition parties. Rather the presentation is for us to be brought up to date, which might, in turn determine how we respond going forward.
A larger turnout would suggest that the impact of what Sizewell C means for Coddenham and its residents is very important and should be treated as such by our MP and our councillors.
Please attend if you’re able to. Refreshments will be available.
One area that might well be impacted by the Sizewell C project is traffic. The project team will talk about what it plans to do to minimise any increase in traffic volumes, especially along the B1078. Clearly any changes need to be factored into ongoing discussions about traffic related issues.
Traffic Update
Your Parish Council continues to work with Suffolk Highways and our Suffolk County Councillor, Matthew Hicks, who is also Leader of the Council, to tackle what was highlighted in responses to last year’s Parish Survey, conducted by members of the Coddenham Community Response Group (CCRG), including the Parish Council, as the main issue for residents.
Starting on 15th June and for a period of two weeks data is being collected from four sites around Coddenham Village, in School Road, on entry to the Village from the Needham Road, on entry to the Village from Ashbocking and in Sandy Lane. This is limited to type of vehicle, time of day and speed, but we do plan to supplement this with other data. We require contemporary hard evidence to support any change to the status quo.
Alongside data we need to better understand the opinions of residents along the B1078. Responses to the Parish Survey gave rise to six alternatives to what we have now. The list isn’t exhaustive and there will be variations of some of the ideas. However, they do provide a starting point to get us to a majority view on what is likely to be a ‘least worst option’ and a solution better than what we have currently. The Options Paper is available on this website at Coddenham Roads Options
We encourage you to consider the options and perhaps decide on your ‘most acceptable three options’.
To gather your views, we plan to hand to and collect survey forms from each household along the B1078 and the roads that feed into it, which will likely include Rectory Road (subject to a discussion with Hemingstone Parish Council) as some options affect the residents there,followed by a public meeting. The meeting will aim to include the participation of Matthew Hicks, our District Councillors and other ‘experts’.
It is important that we move the traffic debate forward and Sizewell C is a factor. Many residents have received a letter from Dan Poulter is the last few days, a copy of which is replicated below. We need to be ready to say how we’d want any ‘funding to support traffic flow improvements’ to be spent.
Coddenham Parish Council – 22nd June 2023
Letter to residents from Dan Poulter