Help us celebrate 100 years of Gudgin’s ownership of the Shop.
The Community Shop manager, committee and volunteers are thrilled to be able to join in the Centenary celebrations with Roy and Ann.
The Shop has survived through the good and bad times of the last 100 years under the ownership of the Gudgin family.
Visit the Community Shop on Saturday 22nd when the volunteers will be dressed in costumes representing the last 100 years. All visiting children will be given an old, predecimalisation, penny – 1d – as a momento of this special occasion. Our usual Coddenham souvenirs will be available to purchase along with a NEW souvenir drinks coaster made especially for the occasion here in the village.
Many thanks to Helen for the Centenary window display – lots of great photos from the past! Can you spot any familiar faces? To find out more about the Shop’s history visit the exhibition at The Coddenham Centre on Saturday afternoon – 2.00 – 4.30pm or visit the History Club webpage.
We look forward to welcoming you on this very special occasion.