A double triumph for the team that only returned to the pitch this season, after a year lay-off. Go Here for Full Details
News & Information
From Coddenham-Parish.uk
Category: The Coddenham Centre
Tennis School Update from The Coddenham Centre
Coddenham's newly launched Tennis School continues to grow following the recent Taster Sessions and demonstrations by trainer, Carl Douglas. There is now a full programme of training including the...
The Suffolk School of Nordic Walking @The Coddenham Centre are in Sunny Spain!
It may be wet here, but some of our (nordic walking) community are in sunny Cadiz! Click on this link to The Coddenham Centre, for details!
Are You Ready?
Thanks al those who have assisted with preparation and delivery of the CORONATION BRUNCH & entertainment this Sunday 7th May between 10.30 and 2pm at The Coddenham Centre. We have some great...
Celebrate the Coronation Weekend!
On Sunday 7th May, the Coddenham Community Response Group welcome you to a CORONATION BRUNCH at the THE CODDENHAM CENTRE from 10.30am - 2pm Join us for great, reasonably priced food (including...
Bring Out your Bunting – Coddenham Prepares for the Coronation
Thanks to the Working Party of volunteers that turned out on Saturday morning for the annual mulching of borders at the Coddenham Centre. Thanks to to Eastwood Trees Services for kindly donating...
Ready for some (Free) Ploughman’s Chatter…?
Don’t forget this FRIDAY 28th APRIL, The Coddenham Centre are inviting you to drop in for a free PLOUGHMAN’s LUNCH between 12.30 and 2pm, (or until supplies run out). It’s part of Coddenham’s...
Coddenham bees are already busy making this year’s honey!
Come meet Nick Griffith Apiarist at The Coddenham Centre MARKET BRUNCH on Sunday 23rd April 10am - 2pm. PLUS, a range of stalls indoors and outdoors, excellent food, entertainment and free...
The Coddenham Centre Welcomes the Market Brunch!
An exciting new event at your Coddenham Centre, coming soon. Click Here for More Details
Record Rubbish Pick!
Perhaps garbage isn't cause for celebration, but the record turn out for our litter pick last weekend, certainly was. Thank you to everyone who turned out and collected 23 bags of rubbish (15 from...