The popular Ten Village News needs help in co-ordinating the Coddenham related regular items and contributions. Colin Hardy will be departing temporarily 'down under' next month and the magazine...
News & Information
Category: Front Page
Love to Move – Seated Exercise Programme UPDATED @ The Coddenham Centre
Love to Move? A Fun, Age Friendly, Seated Movement Programme to Music. Physical, emotional and cognitive benefits designed to get you moving more and having fun. NOW EVERY THURSDAY 2pm - 4pm FREE...
NEW – CCRG Member Feature
Simon Pott, Chairman of the DAY FOUNDATION provides an overview of this important Coddenham based charity. Read the latest in the Coddenham Community Response Group member overview HERE ...
Raedwald Ensemble Concert at St Mary’s
Saturday 28th October at 7.00pm at St Mary's Church Coddenham. The Raedwald Ensemble Concert features Anna Phillips playing the harp, Ian Galbraith, St Mary's own brilliant organist and the Raedwald...
Parish Clerk Opportunity
As Coddenham residents may already be aware, the Clerk to the Parish Council has resigned to take up a similar position nearer her home. Her final day will be 13th October. In replacement,...
Green Spaces & Footpaths Working Group – Inaugural Meeting.
It seems very appropriate with making Suffolk 'the greenest county', that the Green Spaces Working Group, would be the first to meet to action the Coddenham Community Plan. In support of The...
Suffolk Accident Rescue Service Say Thankyou!
The appreciable sum of £1,282 was raised for the Suffolk Accident Rescue Service (SARS) by hosts and guests attending the recent Summer Charity Ball, held at The Coddenham Centre on Friday, 7th July...
A Big Thankyou!
A great big THANKYOU to all those involved in celebrating 100 years of Gudgin's Shop. Grandad Albert and Milly, plus Joan and Dudley would have been proud! Bristol Fashion, the Coddenham Ukulele...
Sizewell C – An Update
Coddenham Parish Council hosted Michelle Emmerson-Grey, a Coddenham resident, and Zoe Botten from the Sizewell C Project Community Relations team on 25 July at The Coddenham Centre, to which all...
What a Centenary – Coddenham Celebrates its Village Shop!
This weekend over over 250 people in Coddenham celebrated the 100th Anniversary of Gudgin's Stores Third generation owners, Roy & Ann Gudgin generously hosted a community tea party for all, at...