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News & Information
Category: Environment
Borrow our Flower Garden
We'd welcome a volunteer gardener(s) for the entrance beds to the Coddenham Centre. We've received the generosity of individuals and occasional working parties in the past, but we really could do...
Carbon Charter Summit Comes to Coddenham
Thursday 11th July 2024: This year will see the first Suffolk County Council's Carbon Charter Summer event to be co-hosted by the Coddenham Centre. While a commercially focussed event, it's another...
THANKYOU CODDENHAM & VOLUNTEERS FOR YOUR SUPPORT THIS WEEKEND! Enjoy a SATURDAY Brunch at the Coddenham Centre, Declutter, Recycle and Grab a Bargain... All the Details Here Included Updated...
We’ll Done Coddenham – Gold Carbon Charter Award to the Coddenham Centre.
The Coddenham Centre has secured its latest Award, this time for its Environmental Accreditation. . It has secured the Gold Carbon Charter Award awarded by Suffolk County Council's Environment...
Clothes Swap!
Refresh your wardrobe whilst helping the environment and St Mary's Church! Come along to the Clothes swap at The Coddenham Centre on Friday 26th April. Bring along up to 5 items of clothing and 2...
Be In It to Bin It – Parish Litterpick
Join the community litter pick starting from the Coddenham Centre this Saturday 13th April, 10am -12pm (or when you can) - Refreshments plus a free mini- egg for kids More Details Here
Idling Engines and Devolution
Two items of particular interest to Coddenham are referenced in last month’s report by Matthew Hicks, leader of Suffolk County Council and Councillor for the Thredling Division, of which Coddenham...
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
An opportunity to declutter and improve recycling. Join us on Saturday the 23rd March between 11am and 2pm at The Coddenham Centre for an activity and information packed day. Light lunches of Soup,...
A LOCAL FLOOD ALERT has been issued by the Environment Agency.
Flood Alert in force: The River Gipping, from downstream of Needham Market, to upstream of London Road Bridge, Ipswich. Flooding is possible for: The River Gipping from downstream of Needham Market...