PARISH COUNCIL 'DROP IN' SURGERIES starting TUESDAY 7 JUNE 2022 2pm to 4pm HELD AT THE CODDENHAM COMMUNITY SHOP If you have a query, a concern, an idea please pop in and speak with one of your...
News & Information
Category: Community
Next Step in Preparations for Jubilee Celebrations!
After the successful arrival of the Festival of Suffolk Torch last Saturday, we follow up with a CLEAN FOR THE QUEEN litter pick, this Saturday 28th May at 10am Please meet at The Coddenham Centre,...
And so it Begins – Arrival of Torch in Coddenham Marks the Start of our Jubilee Celebrations.
To herald the start of The Festival of Suffolk and the celebrations to mark HM the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, a symbolic torch will travel through communities in Suffolk this summer carried by local...
Coddenham Parish Council Invite You
CODDENHAM PARISH COUNCIL INVITE YOU to Informal Question and Answer Sessions Prior to each Parish Council Meeting STARTING this THURSDAY 12 MAY 2022 7-7.30pm At the Coddenham Centre. All...
St Mary’s Church Coffee Morning – this Saturday
The May Coffee Morning takes place on Saturday 14th May from 10.00am until 12 noon. In addition to the usual freshly brewed coffee and delicious homemade cakes, there will also be a plant sale. All...
From the Rectory – A Quiet Bank Holiday
There was barely a sound. Outside, the trees were still, with not a bird or squirrel in sight; even the road was empty. Only the faint hum of the freezer, and the rhythmic tick of a clock,...
Coddenham Cares – First in the Regular Features on All Things Environmental For Coddenham
MILL HILL If you wander onto Mill Hill from the Mill Lane direction you may notice unused metal gateposts at the start of the walk and the hard surface to the road. A few years ago your right of...
Planning for the Future of the Community
Unified communities are not new. Since the dawn of time, communities be they tribal, small townships or villages have drawn together, to address the challenges of the day. Just after the Second...
Checkout the Coddenham You Tube Channel
Julian Hall runs a lively channel for all things Coddenham, past and present! Check it Out Here
Bank Holiday Brunch!
Come along to The Coddenham Centre between 10am and 1pm* on Easter Bank Holiday Monday 18th April, for one our great Brunch offerings. Delicious bacon or veggie rolls, pastries, juice, good...