Please note the Country Club has adjusted hours this week Thursday 6pm- 9pm Friday 6pm - 11pm Saturday extended opening hours 3pm - 11pm including showing of England football at 5pm and Rugby at 8pm...
News & Information
Category: Community
Bit of A Puzzle!?
On behalf of The Coddenham Centre and Community Response Group another THANK-YOU to everyone who came along to the Coddenham Picnic. Thanks also to all the volunteers, entertainers and team members...
Picnic Time!
There is no fete this year, so all the Coddenham organisations have got together with the Coddenham Centre to invite everyone, far and wide to a PICNIC on the 2nd September from 12 - 4pm. There will...
Country Club Beer Festival Bank Holiday Weekend
Join us for a selection of local and popular beers and ales shall be available alongside of all the usual tipples! Opening hours shall be: Thursday 24th 6pm- 9pm Friday 25th 6pm - 11pm Saturday 26th...
Crowfield Flower Festival – 26th – 28th August
All Saints Church, Crowfield is hosting it's annual Flower Festival this weekend. The Church will be open from Saturday August 26th to Monday 28th from 10.30am to 5pm each day. The Church will be...
The Coddenham Parish Community Plan – A Thankyou and an Update
A huge thank you to residents who have 'answered the call' expressing an interest in joining or contributing to one of the Plan Working Groups in the Coddenham Parish Community Plan If you haven’t...
Another Coddenham Centenary Celebration
All are welcome to a Garden Party on Saturday 19th August 3pm - 5pm to celebrate the centenary of the Phillips family owning the property called St Mary's in Church Road. The current owner, Neil...
Suffolk Accident Rescue Service Say Thankyou!
The appreciable sum of £1,282 was raised for the Suffolk Accident Rescue Service (SARS) by hosts and guests attending the recent Summer Charity Ball, held at The Coddenham Centre on Friday, 7th July...
A Big Thankyou!
A great big THANKYOU to all those involved in celebrating 100 years of Gudgin's Shop. Grandad Albert and Milly, plus Joan and Dudley would have been proud! Bristol Fashion, the Coddenham Ukulele...
Sizewell C – An Update
Coddenham Parish Council hosted Michelle Emmerson-Grey, a Coddenham resident, and Zoe Botten from the Sizewell C Project Community Relations team on 25 July at The Coddenham Centre, to which all...