St Mary’s Church Coddenham

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Coddenham Church

Benefice Christmas Services

Christmas @ St Mary’s Christmas Eve Thursday 24th December at 4.00pm Outdoor Service -  The Christmas Story Retold with readings and carols Around the benefice there will be a variety of services...

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Advent Sunday

  ‘Go from your country, your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you’. (Gen 12:1) Advent, and normally our Christmas preparations are in full swing by now.  Over 2000...

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Christmas in Coddenham 2020

This year has been a difficult and uncertain year for us all. Christmas trees are a symbol of light, joy and hope and so we plan to erect a number of trees in the Churchyard this year so that they...

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Christingle 2020

As we are unable to hold Christingle services this year, the local churches would like to invite families to take part in a Zoom Christingle service on Sunday 29th November at 4.00pm. Christingle...

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