Do not let your hearts be troubled (Jn 14:1). In this world you will have trouble, …. I have overcome the world. (Jn 16:33). Troubled hearts we seem to have a plenty. Every news bulletin I...
St Mary’s Church Coddenham
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Archive/Category: Coddenham Church
Celebrate the King’s Coronation at St Mary’s
There will be a commemorative service of celebration for the coronation of King Charles III at St Mary's, Coddenham at 9.30am on Sunday 7th May. All welcome.
From The Rectory – Counterfeit or True?
On holiday in Florence many years ago, we were accosted by street traders selling fake fashion bags and accessories. Counterfeiting is a form of theft, robbing legitimate businesses, unwitting...
From the Rectory – A Stranger
Jesus came near and went with them, but their eyes were kept from recognising him It was the first day of the week and two pilgrims were returning home to Emmaus. They had been to Jerusalem to...
From the Rectory – In the Ordinary
Easter Day, the Day of Resurrection, a day of celebration. The rising sun may have hidden behind hazy cloud, but I, and many others, greeted the dawn outside with shouts of praise; Alleluia, He is...
From the Rectory – Night Falls on Calvary
At last, the sun is shining, and more is expected over the next few days. I am writing this on Palm Sunday and this afternoon Mary and I walked the fields near the Rectory. Everywhere, sodden...
St Mary’s Coffee Morning
Celebrate Easter at the St Mary's Coffee Morning. Homemade cakes and freshly made coffee with seasonal extra - warm Hot Cross buns. Saturday 8th April 10.00 - 12 noon. Easter crafts for children All...
Celebrate Easter at St Mary’s
All are welcome to join our Easter services. Palm Sunday - 2nd April - meet at St Mary's at 10.00am to walk to Hemingstone accompanied by a donkey! Maundy Thursday - 6th April - Holy Communion at...
From the Rectory – On the Beach
This week, although Holy Week is almost upon us, I remain on the beach. The tide has receded, the water’s edge is quite a walk, the sand beneath my feet feels firm. Yet already the surface is...
From The Rectory – ‘Son of man, can these bones live?’ (Ezekiel 37:3)
Son of man, can these bones live? (Ezekiel 37:3) This week we are enjoying a few days on the North Norfolk coast: a border land where sea, land and sky merge. Along the shoreline at low tide, acres...