As recent visitors to the Rectory have noticed, I have taken up model building. As any modeller will testify, there is something satisfying about recreating worlds in miniature. I have spent many...
St Mary’s Church Coddenham
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Archive/Category: Coddenham Church
From The Rectory – In The Silence
The only thing necessary for evil to flourish, is for good men to do nothing. Elijah is locked in a struggle with Queen Jezebel; God’s word or the beliefs and values that Jezebel promotes. It is a...
Coffee Morning at St Mary’s
The August Coffee Morning takes place on Saturday 12th August from 10.00am -12 noon. Sitting in the sun, in the beautiful Church grounds, catch up with old friends and make some new ones! Freshly...
From The Rectory – If Only Our Possessions Could Talk
If only our possessions could talk. The Mexican rests, Mary prays and Francis holds out his hands to welcome. Summer rains gently fall. Lunch over and little chance of an afternoon walk, the...
From The Rectory – Pilgrimage
It’s good to be home. Holidays are great; it is good to get away, but eventually the novelty wears off and home calls. Home is where the heart is; but where is the heart? Two months ago, a number...
From The Rectory – Diversions
‘Road Closed Ahead, Follow Diversion’; currently one of the most common of all local roadsigns. The big yellow guessing game has begun. You know the sign wasn’t there when you went out, but now you...
From the Rectory – Instructions
In the peace and quiet of an early morning coffee break, I’m staring out of the window when one word catches my eye; ‘OUTSIDE’. It is a statement of the obvious, the word is embossed on my car’s...
From The Rectory – Trivia
Do you remember ‘Trivial Pursuit’; that once popular board game now, I suspect, condemned to attics and other dark and dusty corners across the land? For a season or so there was, if not quite fame...
Coffee Morning at St Mary’s
July's Coffee Morning will take place on Saturday 8th July 10.00am -12 noon. There will be a selection of greetings cards, wrapping paper and bows available to purchase. Freshly brewed coffee and...
Wildflowers Take Over at St Mary’s
The churchyard at St Mary's has been taken over by wildflowers! The present sunny weather has encouraged several species to flower - orchids, scabious and ox eye daisies are out in abundance. Why...