Events Update So much happens in Coddenham There's something for everyone and all are welcome, wherever you live. Please find below the latest 2025 Events List for Coddenham - correct at the time of...
News & Information
Category: CCRG
Reduce,Reuse,Recycle, Result!
Our first collection of the year. It resulted in a literal van-full of items for the Stowmarket waste site, a significant number of wine corks destined for Majestic and a car-load of tools,...
Three R’s Recycling Event
This Saturday March 8th, another opportunity to REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE! Theme - Spring Cleaning & Decluttering. Bring your recycling Click Here for List , pick up advice and enjoy our...
More Trees for Coddenham
Check out the Coddenham Centre for latest, plus elsewhere in the Parish, in pursuit of the Greenest County! Go Here for news on how CODDENHAM CARES! NEXT Broom Hill Working Party 27th February Go...
Coddenham Cares! Upcoming and Current Environmental Help
The next Working Parties on Broom Hill are scheduled for the 22nd & 27th February, 9.30 - 12pm. All welcome! Refreshments courtesy of Coddenham Parish Council volunteers. Bring gardening tools...
Another Fantastic Community Lunch!
Congratulations Julie, Jackie & team, Gail, Diane, Sue, Tracey, Jane (x2) and Nick, plus all our guests for sharing another fabulous community lunch at the Coddenham Centre today! Delicious...
Devolution News
Suffolk has applied to be amongst the first for devolution under the government's new proposals. Here is a statement from Suffolk County Council. Whatever the outcome, it is clear there will be even...
Proposed New Quarry – Witnesham
Coddenham Parish Council are actively monitoring the proposed development of a new quarry near Witnesham, which may impact Coddenham Parish. The matter was discussed with resident representation, at...
Get a free/low cost energy efficiency assessment for your home worth £250+
Heating our homes can be costly, both financially and environmentally. The less efficient at retaining heat a property is, the more energy is needed to bring it to a comfortable temperature and keep...
CCRG – Member Profiles – The Latest.
From time to time, we feature profiles of the members of the Coddenham Community Response Group. The latest is Coddenham's oldest charity, the Gardemau Charities. Chair David McDonnell &...