St Mary’s Church Coddenham

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Benefice Notice Sheet

by | Oct 4, 2024 | Coddenham Church, Front Page, News

scallop shell

This week one of the ministry team has written about his experience of the Caminho in Portugal.

I am writing this from northern Portugal where Anne and I have
been enjoying a walking holiday. We are currently staying in a
lovely spot in Vinho Verde territory looking down over the Lima
valley towards the ancient bridge at Ponte de Lima which is the
crossing point over the river Lima on the Portuguese Caminho to
Santiago de Compostela. Over the past few days we walked
along various sections of the Caminho, seeing quite a number of
pilgrims on their way, most carrying a scallop shell as a symbol of
their pilgrimage. In medieval times it served as a practical vessel
for food and water. But the scallop shell is also the symbol used
on the waymarkers. It is said that the lines on the shell are a
metaphor for the various routes leading to Santiago de
Compostela where St James is believed to have been buried.
There were people of many nationalities walking the Caminho –
we met, among others, people from South Africa, Australia and
the United States of America. They had clearly travelled great
distances to walk the Caminho and I wondered what motivates
people to do that. Do they feel closer to God as they travel?
Following on from that, how do we feel closer to God? While the
glories of nature help point to God, I think it is most helpful to
study God’s word in the Bible, to pray and to meet together for
worship and fellowship, as we seek to encourage each other and
build each other up in faith. So, in the words of Hebrews 10.24
25, ‘let us consider how we may spur one another on to love and
good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the
habit of doing, but encouraging one another – and all the more as
you see the Day approaching.’
Henry Stanford – Reader

The Notice Sheet for 6th October can be found here

This Sunday’s service at St Mary’s Coddenham is Morning Prayer at 11.00am


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