How solid is your faith? I don’t mean how committed and able to withstand setbacks. Instead, I ask how 3-dimensional, physical or concrete? Thursday is Corpus Christi (The Body of Christ) or, to...
News & Information
Archive/Category: Deborah Mcdonnell
St Mary’s Coffee Morning
June Coffee Morning and Plant Sale Saturday 10th June 10.00 - 12 noon at St Mary's Church. Enjoy freshly brewed Fairtrade coffee and home made cakes whilst choosing some new plants for your garden....
Father’s Day at Coddenham Community Shop
Father's Day 18th June 2023 The Community Shop has a great range of Father's Day cards and some great gift ideas - books by local authors, wines and spirits and delicious chocolates.
Temporary Changes to Community Shop Opening Times
From The Rectory – They that wait upon the Lord
My time in the gym was over for the day and bits of me ached in ways they hadn’t for some time. The new routine was more challenging than I had expected. Nothing for it, time to sit down and enjoy...
From The Rectory – God Created a Garden
As the day draws to a close, the land is bathed in golden sunlight, the wind has dropped, the branches are still, birds and insects fill the air enjoying the evening warmth. It is also a perfect...
Temporary Change to Opening Hours at Community Shop
Unfortunately, due to staff shortages, the shop will be open form 8am - 11am this Saturday - 20th May. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
From The Rectory – Service
Teach us good Lord, to serve thee as thou deservest[1] …. The bunting is packed away, tourists and well-wishers go home, uniforms dry out; life goes on. There is work to do and I’m sure that on...
St Mary’s Coffee Morning Celebrates the Coronation
The Coronation celebrations continue at St Mary's on Saturday 13th May with a Coronation Coffee Morning from 10 - 12 noon. Come and enjoy cakes from around the Kingdom - North, East, South and West...
From the Rectory – Trust
Do not let your hearts be troubled (Jn 14:1). In this world you will have trouble, …. I have overcome the world. (Jn 16:33). Troubled hearts we seem to have a plenty. Every news bulletin I...
Celebrate the King’s Coronation at St Mary’s
There will be a commemorative service of celebration for the coronation of King Charles III at St Mary's, Coddenham at 9.30am on Sunday 7th May. All welcome.
Coronation Opening Hours at Coddenham Community Shop
Coronation Weekend Opening Hours The Shop will be open on Saturday 6th May 8am - 2pm and on Monday 8th May 10am - 2pm Lots of coronation goodies available and, from 3rd May, crown biscuits and...
From The Rectory – Counterfeit or True?
On holiday in Florence many years ago, we were accosted by street traders selling fake fashion bags and accessories. Counterfeiting is a form of theft, robbing legitimate businesses, unwitting...
Bank Holiday Opening at Coddenham Community Shop
The Community Shop will be open on Monday 1st May from 10am until 2pm. Why not pop in for a Bank Holiday treat? Coffee and Cake or delicious Alder Tree ice cream?
From the Rectory – In the Ordinary
Easter Day, the Day of Resurrection, a day of celebration. The rising sun may have hidden behind hazy cloud, but I, and many others, greeted the dawn outside with shouts of praise; Alleluia, He is...
Revised Opening at Coddenham Community Shop
Unfortunately, due to staff shortage, the Community Shop will close at 2.30pm on Tuesday 11th April. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
From the Rectory – Night Falls on Calvary
At last, the sun is shining, and more is expected over the next few days. I am writing this on Palm Sunday and this afternoon Mary and I walked the fields near the Rectory. Everywhere, sodden...
Amended Easter Opening Hours at Coddenham Community Shop
Unfortunately, due to ongoing staff sickness, the Shop opening hours for Easter have had to be altered from those planned and previously advertised. The hours will now be as follows - Good Friday -...
St Mary’s Coffee Morning
Celebrate Easter at the St Mary's Coffee Morning. Homemade cakes and freshly made coffee with seasonal extra - warm Hot Cross buns. Saturday 8th April 10.00 - 12 noon. Easter crafts for children All...
Temporary Change to Opening Times at Coddenham Community Shop
Unfortunately, due to staff sickness, the Community Shop will close early at 2.30 on Thursday 6th April. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Easter at Coddenham Country Club
Easter events - Bank Holiday Mini Beer Festival Opening times and events. Good Friday - Ploughman's Lunch 12 noon, remaining open until 11pm Easter Saturday open 2pm until 11pm The Mobile Pizza Co...
Easter Opening Times at Coddenham Community Shop
The shop will be open over Easter for lots of Easter goodies as well as the usual wide range of goods. Easter cards, hot cross buns, easter eggs and lots more! Good Friday 8.00am - 5.00pm...
Celebrate Easter at St Mary’s
All are welcome to join our Easter services. Palm Sunday - 2nd April - meet at St Mary's at 10.00am to walk to Hemingstone accompanied by a donkey! Maundy Thursday - 6th April - Holy Communion at...
From the Rectory – On the Beach
This week, although Holy Week is almost upon us, I remain on the beach. The tide has receded, the water’s edge is quite a walk, the sand beneath my feet feels firm. Yet already the surface is...
From The Rectory – ‘Son of man, can these bones live?’ (Ezekiel 37:3)
Son of man, can these bones live? (Ezekiel 37:3) This week we are enjoying a few days on the North Norfolk coast: a border land where sea, land and sky merge. Along the shoreline at low tide, acres...
Temporary Change to Community Shop Opening Hours Wednesday 29th March
Unfortunately, due to staff illness the Community Shop will close at 2.30pm on Wednesday 29th March. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
From The Rectory – The Still Small Voice
What are you doing here Elijah? asked God (1 Kings19: 9). Did it sound like a dumb question? Elijah had just won a spectacular battle with the Priests of Baal (1 Kings 18), yet barely had the dust...
Mother’s Day at Coddenham Community Shop
Mother's Day 2023 Sunday 19th March Get ready to spoil your Mum with lovely cards and gifts from Coddenham Community Shop. Cupcakes and biscuits from Wheaten Mill will be available form 15th March....
Mothering Sunday at St Mary’s Church
You are invited to join us in a celebration of Motherhood and the Gift of Family at our Mothering Sunday Worship For All at St Mary’s, Coddenham, on Sunday 19th March at 10.00am We welcome everyone...
From the Rectory – Keep Alert
Morning light crept round the bedroom curtain. Time to stir; an unusual light this morning; more like the white of a full moon on a crisp winter night. Through the frosted glass, all looked white...
Sustainable Floristry Workshop
Sustainable Church Flower Workshop The oasis currently used in floral displays is not environmentally friendly as it doesn't biodegrade and can't be recycled. Find out how to use alternatives to...
Coffee Morning at St Mary’s Saturday 11th March
Coffee Mornings are back! Saturday 11th March from 10.00am - 12 noon Join us to support Fair Trade fortnight. Home made cakes, fresh coffee. Fair Trade stall for food and gifts.
From The Rectory – Be Prepared
Last Sunday dawned bright and sunny with a blue sky promising a good day. In the garden, snowdrops and daffodils herald Spring. However, I quickly discovered that the air was not as Spring-like as...
High Street Road Closure Update
The emergency road closure in the High Street today was due to a sudden water leak on the pavement. The repair has now been carried out but reinstatement is still required. Anglian Water will carry...
From The Rectory – Forgiven
Once again, we enter Lent, a season of preparation. Traditionally a time of abstinence, the 40 days of Lent will lead us to Holy Week and Easter; the cross and resurrection, the heart of our faith....
From The Rectory – Mountain Revelations
This week we are treated to not just one but 2 mountain top experiences. Matthew recounts how Jesus took Peter, James and John, the inner three, up a mountain where they observed his appearance...
Valentine’s Day at Coddenham Community Shop
Beautiful bouquets for your loved one available from Saturday 11th ready for Valentine's Day gifting. Tulip bunches just £6.50, large alstroemeria bouquets £10. Cards, chocolates, wine and other...
From the Rectory – Sufficient unto the Day
As the evening drew on, I stood looking out across the fields. It has been a bright, if cool day, and I was enjoying a moment of solitude before the evening office. We live in challenging times; it...
From The Rectory – Cross
Looking out of my study window I see one word, ‘cross’. It’s written on the side of my FIAT Panda. It’s on the inside too, part of what the marketing department would call styling. It is, I...
Valentine’s Day at Coddenham Community Shop
Now in stock - a wide range of cards and gifts for your loved one on Valentine's Day (February 14th). Flowers, cards, chocolates, jewellery etc. Why not order some...
From The Rectory – Love Is
One of the most popular bible readings for a wedding begins Love is. Taken from St Paul’s first letter to Corinth; (1 Corinthians 13) love is paints an uplifting picture that promotes positive...
RSPB Garden Birdwatch 27th-29th January 2023
It's that time of year again - time to count the birds! The Community Shop has everything you need to help the RSPB find out how many wild birds there are so that they can monitor the bird...
From the Rectory – What a Beautiful Morning
O what a beautiful morning; the sun shines and the frost glistens. If only briefly, this morning I can look out onto a winter wonderland. There is, I am sure, much more winter to come. This...
From The Rectory – Just Talking
The holidays are over, offices are open once more, back to work. A man left home on family business. It was a challenging job, but important. He made friends on the way, built a team; teaching...
Community Shop Opening Hours Update
Unfortunately, due to ongoing staff illness, the Community Shop will operate reduced opening hours on Saturday 14th January. The shop will be open from 9.00am until 3.00pm. Apologies for any...
Country Club Winter Opening Hours
New Winter opening hours. Monday 6pm - 9pm Thursday 6pm - 9pm Friday 6pm - 11pm Saturday 3pm - 7pm Sunday 3pm - 7pm We look forward to seeing you.
From The Rectory – Light
Night falls. Now, although the sun set half an hour ago, its lingering rays still illumine the evening sky. Soon it will be dark but for a little while, the view from my study window remains one of...
Celebrate New Year at Coddenham Country Club
The Club will be open from 6pm. Join us to welcome 2023.
From The Rectory – In the Beginning
In the beginning was the Word. (John 1:1). In case we missed it in all the nativity detail, the opening words of John’s gospel remind us that we are in the presence of God. Genesis tells us that...
Community Shop Opening Hours Update
Unfortunately due to continuing staff illness the shop will be open for reduced hours tomorrow, Thursday 29th December. Opening hours will be 8am - 2pm. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Community Shop Closure
Unfortunately, due to extensive staff sickness, the Community Shop will be closed on Wednesday 28th December. We will be open on Thursday 29th December as usual. Many aplologies for any...
Crib and Christingle Service at St Mary’s
Saturday 24th December at 4.00pm Crib and Christingle service. Celebrating the birth of Jesus, the light of the world. All welcome to help to assemble the stable scene and make a Christingle.
Thank You Coddenham
Many thanks to everyone who participated in the carol singing in the village on Tuesday evening. Particular thanks to Ian and his 4 colleagues from the Co Op Brass Band who played so...
Christmas Greetings from The Rectory
No 'From the Rectory' this week, instead a photo to remind us of the light of the Lord, and to wish you all a very good Christmas and festive season. Rev’d Philip Payne The light shines in the...
Coddenham Village Carol Singing
Everyone is welcome to join in our village carol singing on Tuesday 20th December starting at the Community Shop at 6.30pm. Singing on as many doorsteps as possible, all ages and abilities welcome!...
Let All The Earth Be Still
Tic, toc, tic, toc; with dull, rhythmic certainty the study clock beats the passing of time. Outside, a cold, arctic blast has finally driven away the last vestiges of our hot summer. Winter has...
Festive Coffee Morning at St Mary’s
Festive Coffee Morning St Mary's Church Coddenham on Saturday 17th December 10.00- 12 noon. With seasonal refreshments, Yuletide raffle and The 12 Jars of Christmas. Craft activity for children -...
St Mary’s Christmas Tree
This year the yew tree by the Church porch will be lit up to celebrate Christmas. This will replace the Christmas trees along the path that we have decorated for the last two years. Villagers are...
From The Rectory – A Visitor Came
It was late as the visitor slipped into the back of the church and the evening office had begun. The minister in his stall, half turned his head; had he been seen, had anyone noticed him? In the...
From The Rectory – The Messenger
The evening was dark, windy and wet as I made my way out. Fortunately, the car was just outside the door; a quick dash and I would soon be back in the dry. Turning to lock the door, I noticed a...
Christmas at Coddenham Community Shop 2022
The Community Shop is ready to help you plan for all your Christmas menus. Turnbull's Turkeys can be ordered in store. A wide range of other meats are also available to order from our supplier....
Advent – Prepare Ye – From The Rectory
Night falls, the view from my study slowly fades to shadows, dark cut-outs against the evening sky. Pinpricks of light, traffic on The Street, flash past; otherwise, all is still. The year grows...
Your Community Shop at The Christmas Market
Many thanks to all those who popped along to The Coddenham Centre to the first Christmas Market. We took a range of our local products which proved very popular with the customers. It was lovely to...
Christmas at The Coddenham Centre – Thumbelina
Norwich Puppet Theatre present - Thumbelina at The Coddenham Centre. Saturday 3rd December at 3pm. There was once a girl so small that she could float on a lily pad and ride on the back of...
Christmas at St Mary’s
Christmas starts with The East of England Co-op Band Christmas Concert at St Mary's on Sunday 4th December at 2.30pm. Join us for some brass band classics and traditional Christmas Carols. Tickets...
Christmas is Coming at Coddenham Community Shop
Our Christmas stock is in, and we couldn't wait to put it on the shelves so everyone can start stocking up for Christmas. We have a wide range of goodies - chocolates, biscuits, savouries, new wines...
From The Rectory – Through the Darkness
Mary and I recently enjoyed the ballet ‘Sleeping Beauty’, at Buxton Opera House. A magical tale where love overcomes evil. We had a relaxing holiday, enjoying, in addition to the ballet, some of...
From The Rectory – The Shadow Standing Guard
The streets are lined with large red poppies. At the village memorial, a life-sized shadow of a soldier stands guard, arms reversed. Around the memorial, the names of the fallen are recorded in...
Coffee Morning at St Mary’s
Saturday 12th November 10.00-12 noon Enjoy a warming bacon buttie and support St Elizabeth Hospice. Christmas cards, hats, gloves for sale. Fairtrade are also coming along with gifts galore and...
From the Rectory – Recreation
Sleeping Beauty - A Spectacular Fairytale Music by Tchaikovsky Buxton Opera House Every child’s favourite fairytale, Sleeping Beauty is the classic story of love and innocence, mystery and magic set...
Poppy Appeal at Coddenham Community Shop
Royal British Legion poppies will be available at Coddenham Community Shop from Thursday 27th October. Please support this important charity by wearing a poppy and donating at the Shop.
From The Rectory – Blessed are the Poor
Blessed are you who are poor (Luke 6:20); not, I suggest, a strap-line to promote support for your cause. As I prepare this reflection, we have another new Prime Minister. Beyond the immediate, and...
Coddenham Community Shop Opening Times This Weekend
Unfortunately, due to staff shortages, our opening times this Saturday, 29th October, will be slightly adjusted. We will be open from 8am until 2pm. Normal opening hours will resume on Monday....
Concert at St Mary’s Church
A Concert of Popular Classics at St Mary's Church Saturday 29th October at 7.00pm. Brass, Pipes and Voice - featuring talented local musicians - Ian Galbraith (organ), Sarah Johnston (soprano) and...
Halloween at Coddenham Community Shop
Halloween has arrived at Coddenham Community Shop! Pumpkins and 'Treat' bags available NOW! Monster cupcakes and iced biscuits will be available from Wednesday 26th October -SPOOKY!!!
From The Rectory – Not Like Other People
God, I thank you that I am not like other people. Well, of course I’m not, we’re all different. Sometimes, the difference shows; age, colour, wealth. Sometimes the differences are less obvious. ...
Temporary Suspension of Post Office Services
Unfortunately, due to staff shortages, there will be no outreach Post Office service at the Community Shop until Friday 21st October. Our apologies for any inconvenience caused. Other Shop services...
St Mary’s Coffee Morning
October's Coffee Morning at St Mary's Church Preserves Day Jams, marmalades, chutney for sale. Saturday 15th October 10.00- 12 noon Freshly brewed coffee and homemade cakes. Children's autumnal...
From The Rectory – All Good Gifts Around Us
The sun is shining but the air is definitely cooler. The once parched grass is rapidly turning green once more. Trees are turning golden brown, looking ever richer in the late morning sun. Beauty...
Concert at Gosbeck Church Sunday 9th October
Organ Concert and Demonstration Ian Galbraith will demonstrate the new digital organ at St Mary's Church, Gosbeck on Sunday 9th October at 3pm. Refreshments available. Retiring collection in aid of...
From The Rectory – Buildings
Have you ever stood inside one of our church buildings and wondered what stories it could tell? Why is the font at the back of the building while the altar is at the front? What is that funny...
HM Lord Lieutenant visits Coddenham
At the height of the Covid pandemic in 2020, HM Lord Lieutenant for Suffok, Clare, Countess of Euston, wrote to the Community Shop sending thanks for the support and service the shop was giving to...
Early Closing at The Coffee Stop
Due to the visit of Lady Euston to the Community Shop, The Coffee Stop will be closing at 1.00pm tomorrow (Saturday 1st October). Take away refreshments will still be available. Apologies for any...
Harvest Festival at St Mary’s
St Mary's Harvest Festival Sunday 2nd October at 11.00am 'Thank You For Your Generosity' - so many reasons to be thankful for all the generosity we receive in our community. Come and sing and be...
Coddenham Community Shop – Opening Times
Unfortunately, due to staff illness, the Community Shop will be closing at the earlier time of 2.30pm on Wednesday 28th September. Many apologies for any inconvenience caused.
From The Rectory – Valley of the Shadow of Death
The camera panned away, the music stopped, the family were left in peace - for a few moments at least. The State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II has engaged us all. The Pageantry was superlative and...
Benefice Church Services for 18th September
Services in the North Bosmere Benefice on Sunday 18th September will include commemoration for the life of Queen Elizabeth II. Services are as follows: 9.30am Zoom Morning Worship. To join this...
From The Rectory – The Love of God
As I prepare this piece the nation is in mourning following the death of our late Queen. This is the end of an era. For many of us, myself included, she has always been there, a trusted constant in...
Coddenham Community Shop – Monday 19th September
As a mark of respect for her late Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, Coddenham Community Shop will be closed on Monday 19th September, the day of her funeral. We apologise for any inconvenience. God Save...
Book of Condolence at St Mary’s
Following the death of Queen Elizabeth ll, St Mary's church is open daily for prayer and reflection and there is a Book of Condolence where we can express our gratitude for Her Majesty's wonderful...
From The Rectory – Community
Last weekend we headed to Portsmouth for a wedding. Half my extended family live in the Portsmouth area but it takes a major event like a wedding to bring us all together; to meet and share with...
From The Rectory – Life On The Run
The Sunday readings on this week’s notice sheet include almost all of St Paul’s short letter to Philemon. Paul’s entourage in Rome includes a runaway slave, Onesimus. Onesimus is a Christian; a...
St Mary’s Coffee Morning
This month's Coffee Morning is at St Mary's on Saturday 3rd September from 10.00am until 12 noon. Celebrate the fruit harvest of the world with our homemade cakes - lemon, orange, banana, dates,...
From the Rectory – The Silence is Broken
A small electric ‘ping’; the silence was broken. Once it was a knock at the door that brought news; then it was the shrill ‘Brrring Brrring’ of the telephone; now it’s a quiet, ping. Social media;...
From The Rectory – The Sound of Silence
It’s been one of those days; a day when nothing goes to plan. Yet now, peace, all is still. The wind has dropped, the birds have fallen silent and as clouds gather far above me, evening draws in. ...
Coddenham Community Shop highlighted in East Anglian Daily Times
Once again our amazing Community Shop appears in the East Anglian Daily Times in a feature about fantastic village shops to visit in Suffolk. We all know our shop is amazing but it's great that...
Early Closing at Coddenham Community Shop
Due to temperatures reaching 37C/100F in the shop, the difficult decision has been made to close at 1pm today (Friday) and at 1pm tomorrow (Saturday 13th August). Toasties will not be available...
From the Rectory – Remembering Together
Each year, on the third Saturday in September, our Cathedral holds a special service for all who have experienced the death of a child, whatever their age and whatever the cause. This service is...
St Mary’s Coffee Morning
It's Savoury Saturday this month. Join us on Saturday 13th August from 10.00am until 12 noon for savoury specials -sausage rolls, cheese scones and other savoury delights as well as freshly brewed...
From the Rectory – Surely the Lord is in this Place
From the Rectory - Surely the Lord is in this Place Then Jacob awoke and said “Surely the Lord is in this place—and I did not know it!” And he was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This...
From the Rectory – Your Kingdom Come
If it gets much warmer I’ll melt. It’s Tuesday and the mercury is heading towards 40 once more. The coolest place right now would be in one of our churches except that I just don’t fancy the walk...
Heat Wave Closure at Coddenham Community Shop
Due to the extreme weather conditions, the difficult decision has been made to close the Community Shop at 2pm on Monday 18th July and Tuesday 19th July. It's just too hot in the shop, the...
From the Rectory – The Church Building
Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, forever. (Heb 13:8). Recently I have joined in several discussions about changes to church buildings. Anyone who has ever tried to implement such change...
St Mary’s Coffee Morning
July Coffee Morning at St Mary's Coddenham Saturday 9th July. 10.00am - 12 noon. Enjoy freshly brewed coffee and home made cakes in our beautiful churchyard. All proceeds to the church fabric...
From the Rectory – A Coastal Path
We have been walking the Isle of Wight Coastal Path; roughly 76 miles; much of it along cliff tops and sea-walls. We had a pre-planned itinerary and a well sign-posted route; the official...
Coddenham Open Gardens and Scarecrows. TODAY!
Coddenham Open Gardens and Scarecrows Sunday 26th June from 11.00 am to 4.30pm Admission £5.00 per adult, children under 16 free Many hidden gardens to visit in this beautiful village plus the...
From the Rectory – Resting
Rev. Philip is taking a well earned holiday. For information about services in the benefice this week please see the Notice Sheet here
Quiz Night
Quiz Night at Coddenham Country Club on Sunday 26th June. Starts at 7.30pm. All welcome.
Coddenham Community Shop Revised Opening Times
Unfortunately due to volunteer holidays the shop will be running on slightly reduced hours on Thursday 23rd June. The shop will be open from 9am until 3pm. Normal business hours will resume on...
Amazing Flora in St Mary’s Churchyard
The churchyard at St Mary's is looking fantastic with a wide range of floral species in flower. The orchids are particularly spectacular this year: pyramidal orchids and the rarer bee orchids are...
Celebrate Suffolk Day at Coddenham Community Shop
Tuesday 21st June is Suffolk Day. Support your local Suffolk producers by shopping local at Coddenham Community Shop. The shop has a wide range of local products - Aspal cider, Adnams beer, Suffolk...
From The Rectory – Only One Thing
Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her.’ (Lk 10: 41, 42) It’s a...
From The Rectory – Changeable Weather
The sun shone, the breastplates of the cavalry glinted and across the globe crowds enjoyed the spectacle; the nation enjoyed the party. As Sunday drew to a close, quietly catching up with televised...
Coffee Morning at St Mary’s
Coddenham's Coffee Morning goes regal!! Saturday 11th June, 10.00-12 noon at St Mary's Church. There will be the usual homemade cakes and fresh coffee, but we will be adding a royal twist and the...
Environmentally Friendly Bags arrive at Coddenham Community Shop
The Shop is pleased to announce the arrival of new 'Coddenham' hessian bags. In our efforts to be more environmentally friendly, we have sourced these strong, reusable bags featuring a logo with a...
From the Rectory – Service
Approaching Jerusalem with Jesus, two of his disciples (James and John) came and asked a favour. They were looking for the top jobs in his kingdom. The other ten were furious. If there were top...
From The Rectory – Go In Peace
‘Nunc Dimittis’ - Lord now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word. Evensong, and as Sunday drew to a close, the words of the Nunc Dimittis, words familiar to generations,...
Coddenham Community Shop Celebrates the Jubilee
With the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations fast approaching the Shop has been busy making sure that everything you need for your celebrations will be available. You can pick up the recipe for...
Award Winning Band at St Mary’s
The East of England Co op Band's Spring 40th Anniversary Concert at St Mary's last night was an outstanding success. The Band played a range of genres ranging from 'You Can't Stop the Beat' from the...
From the Rectory – A Change in the Weather
Another glorious afternoon. The sun streams through my study window, whilst the willow behind the house provides welcome dappled shade for a short break. Now we can consign the winter woollies to...
From the Rectory – Too Much Moss
As Spring progresses, the Rectory front lawn becomes a blaze of yellow cowslips. Last year we decided to leave the grass uncut, interested to see what else might appear and what insects this might...
St Mary’s Church Coffee Morning – this Saturday
The May Coffee Morning takes place on Saturday 14th May from 10.00am until 12 noon. In addition to the usual freshly brewed coffee and delicious homemade cakes, there will also be a plant sale. All...
Coddenham Community Shop – May Bank Holiday Opening Hours
Thanks to Bliss and the volunteers the Community Shop will be open on Monday May 2nd from 10.00am - 3.00pm. Call in for all your Bank Holiday needs - plants and compost, barbeque food, cold drinks...
From the Rectory – Resurrection
Two weeks ago, I was confidently looking ahead to our Easter celebrations. Then, as you all know by now, COVID struck. The enforced break may have slowed me down, but many aspects of life went on...
Praise for Coddenham Community Shop
On 13th April the shop hosted a visit from The Plunkett Foundation (the national charity which supports and advises community enterprises) and their sponsors, Denbury Homes. The visitors enjoyed a...
From the Rectory – Covid Strikes!
It’s finally happened. After several days feeling off-colour, two very broad red bands on the test cartridge proclaimed “COVID has reached the Rectory”. Instead of heading out to greet the Easter...
East of England Co-op Band Concert at St Mary’s
Spring 40th Anniversary Concert by the East of England Co-op Band St Mary's Church are excited to welcome the East of England Co-Op Band for a very special 40th Anniversary Concert on Saturday May...
From the Rectory – Ride on in Majesty
Ride on in Majesty Ride on, ride on in majesty, ….. It must have been a great day. Crowds of excited pilgrims streaming into Jerusalem ahead of the great festival. With the end of their journey...
From the Rectory – Resurrection
The day of resurrection! Earth, tell it out abroad. So begins an 8th century hymn and every year Christians across the globe do just that. This day is greeted with shouts of joy; he is risen,...
Easter at Coddenham Community Shop
Our fantastic cake suppliers at Wheaten Mill have delivered some amazing Easter treats. Delicious Easter vanilla buns, Easter nests, iced biscuits and amazing chocolate Scotch eggs with creme egg or...
Easter at Coddenham Country Club
Easter weekend events 2022 Good Friday - Ploughman's Lunch from noon until 2pm. Easter Sunday Quiz hosted by Golly. Open at 7.30pm for 8 pm start. Unfortunately due to the increase in prices we...
Easter Opening at Coddenham Community shop
We look forward to seeing you over the Easter weekend for Easter eggs, gifts and lovely local products. Remember you can order fresh meat, cheese, bread and vegetables for your Easter celebrations....
Coffee Morning at St Mary’s
Coddenham Coffee Morning Homemade cakes and coffee with warm hot cross buns. Saturday 9th April 10.00 - 12 noon at St Mary's Church, Coddenham Easter crafts for children All welcome. All proceeds to...
Annual Parochial Church Council Meeting
The Annual Parochial Church Meeting and election of churchwardens takes place on 26th April 2022 in St Mary's Church at 7pm. All those whose names are on the church electoral role or are registered...
Coddenham Country Club Opening Times
The Country Club opening hours are now as follows: Monday 6.00pm - 9.00pm Thursday 6.00pm - 9.00pm Friday 6.00pm - 11.00pm Saturday 3.00pm - 7.00pm New members always welcome. See our Facebook page...
From The Rectory – What Do You Do?
‘What do you do?’ For much of our life we are, so it appears, defined by our occupation. Even in retirement or death, official forms often seek to know ‘What did you do?’ What we do is not just a...
From The Rectory – Candles
This weekend we celebrate Candlemas. Traditionally this is the moment that candles were brought into church for blessing before use. With that in mind, I have been thinking about candles. ...
Help for Ukraine
From the Rectory – Mothering Sunday
This week I enjoyed a fascinating TV programme about a Puma family (BBC Dynasties – Puma). I have never seen a Puma, but having once enjoyed a holiday in Chilean Patagonia, where much of the filming...
Mother’s Day 2022 at Coddenham Community Shop
Lots of lovely gifts and cards available to say 'Thank You' to all mothers on Mother's Day, this Sunday (27th March). Beautiful baskets of plants, cupcakes, jewellery, scarves, homemade cupcakes,...
Mothering Sunday at St Mary’s
You are warmly invited to our Mothering Sunday Service at 10.00am on Sunday 27th March. A chance to say 'thank you' to those who care for us or have cared for us in the past. Children will be able...
From the Rectory – At the Boundary
The sun shines, the sky is blue; it’s a glorious day for a walk along the coast. Our path lies along the top of an earth bank. To one side the North Sea; to the other, the coast road. Between...
From The Rectory
From the Rectory, Sunday 13th March 2022, Lent 2 No words of wisdom this week as the Rectory has been left in the ‘watchful hands’ of its new resident. Hopefully he/she won’t have eaten everything...
St Mary’s Coffee Morning – Saturday 12th March
To celebrate Fair Trade Fortnight Coddenham Church Coffee Morning will be open for freshly brewed coffee and home made cakes, with FAIRTRADE and TRAIDCRAFT STALLS. St Mary's Church, Coddenham....
From the Rectory – Spiritual Warfare
In 1989 the Berlin Wall fell, symbolically ending nearly 45 years of the Cold War dividing Europe. I had moved to West Germany with the RAF two years earlier, in 1987. Had anyone told me then that...
From the Rectory – New Beginnings
The storm finally abated, the wind dropped and the late evening sun shone; peace. At the same time another storm appears to be abating and soon, in England at least, all remaining Covid...
Storm Eunice Power Cut
Some houses in the village are still without power following Storm Eunice. For information and updates see Please check that your...
From the Rectory – Colours of Day
Sitting at breakfast one recent morning, I watched the rising sun grace the morning with a brilliant, fiery red glow. By 8 in the morning, however, the light had dimmed and it was as if dusk...
Exciting New Menu at The Coffee Stop
Bliss and the team have been busy developing a range of hot snacks to add to The Coffee Stop menu at Coddenham Community Shop. The new range includes delicious toasties and tasty homemade soups....
From the Rectory – Poverty and Riches
‘Blessed are the poor, …. woe to the rich’. (Lk 6: 20-26). Poverty and riches are very much in the news at the moment and are clearly as much an issue for us today, as they were for Luke’s first...
Valentine’s Day at Coddenham Community Shop
The Shop is full of great gift ideas for the one you love on Valentine's Day. Valentine cards from Whistlefish and Cardline along with chocolates and wine from our local suppliers. Our jewellery,...
From The Rectory – Let us go to the House of the Lord
I was glad when they said to me, ‘let us go to the house of the Lord’ (Psalm 122:1) For the psalmist, the house in question is, of course, the Jerusalem temple. Built initially by the famed King...
Temporary Opening Hours at Coddenham Community Shop
The Shop Committee are sorry for any inconvenience caused but have had to make the difficult decision to reduce the Shop's opening hours for the next 10 days due to staff sickness. The opening hours...
Coddenham Community Shop – Opening Hours Change
Wednesday 2nd February - the shop will close at 4.30pm. Unfortunately due to ongoing staff illness we are struggling to maintain our normal level of service at the moment. There may have to be some...
Community Shop Coffee Stop Loyalty Card Launched
Hot beverage loyalty card launched at the Coffee Stop at Coddenham Community Shop. All customers purchasing a hot drink, either sitting in or take away, can now collect stamps on a loyalty card....
Country Club AGM Rescheduled
Unfortunately, due to illness among the Committee members, the Country Club AGM has been rescheduled for Tuesday 1st February at 8.30pm. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Get Garden Bird Watch Ready at Coddenham Community Shop
The RSPB Great Garden Birdwatch takes place over the weekend of 28th - 30th January. It's a great opportunity to be part of a citizen science project which helps the RSPB track the numbers of bird...
From the Rectory – Nature Praises
What a glorious morning. As the dawning light slowly brightened, it revealed a frost-whitened landscape; the field beyond our garden shrouded in a low mist topped with the shadowy outline of the...
From The Rectory – They Have No Wine
If you have ever organised a party, I suspect that one of the most stressful tasks was the catering. If the thought of stale sandwiches and soggy crisps for lunch for days after isn’t bad enough,...
Coddenham Open Gardens and Scarecrows Sunday 26th June
It is with great delight that we are looking forward to holding this lovely village event again after the difficult times we have been through.. We have all had plenty of time to work on our...
Coddenham Country Club AGM
Message from The Country Club Secretary Our AGM will be held on 25th January 2022 at 8:30p.m. If you would like to stand on the Committee next year please pop in and add your name to the sign-up...
Working From Home – Again?
Why not give yourself a break from the 'home office' and grab a coffee and cake from The Coffee Stop at Coddenham Community Shop? Freshly brewed coffee, tea and soft drinks always available. Freshly...
From the Rectory – An Unexpected Treat
It was dark as we drove cautiously along the lane. Slowly I became aware of a pale shape moving on the edge of the road in front: a cyclist unlit; a pedestrian facing the wrong way? The shape...
From the Rectory – A Moment of Peace
After the busyness of Christmas Day, life at the Rectory has been quieter this week; time for family, friends and self. It won’t last, so we make the most of it I wonder how Mary and Joseph felt...
Christmas Eve at Coddenham Country Club
The Country Club will be open on Christmas Eve from 6.00pm - 10.00pm. Merry Christmas
From The Rectory – Journey’s End and Journey’s Beginning
Last weekend, as Advent drew to a close, we saw the newly pregnant Mary visiting her relative, Elizabeth. She stayed for 3 months before returning home. Today, 6 months later, we’re at the end of...
Christmas Eve at St Mary’s Coddenham
Christmas celebrations continue at St Mary's with an outdoor service at 4pm on Christmas Eve. Join us in the churchyard to hear the retelling of the Christmas story and join in singing carols led by...
Coddenham Village Carol Singing Cancelled
Unfortunately, due to the current Covid situation, the village carol singing planned for tomorrow evening (Tuesday 21st December), has been cancelled. This decision was made reluctantly but it was...
From the Rectory – Is Your Journey Really Necessary?
It’s dark, the curtains are closed, as much to keep out the cold as anything. Night has descended and silence, almost, reigns. The occasional car can be heard passing along The Street, but that is...
Carol Service at St Mary’s Church
Candlelit Carol Service at St Mary's Church this Sunday 19th December at 4pm. Featuring the Benefice Choir. Please use hand sanitiser on entry and wear face masks throughout the service.
From the Rectory – A Knotty Problem
As the rain lashes down once again, I pull on a stout pair of boots. Boot laces have become a challenge. If I don’t double knot them, they come undone in moments. When they are tightly tied, I...
Christmas Orders Reminder from the Community Shop
Important Reminder Christmas is approaching quickly and the final order date for Coddenham Community Shop for lots of products is this Saturday - 11th December. Order forms are available in the shop...
Clothes For The Journey – From the Rectory
Winter is here. As I write, much of the country is blanketed in snow; storms have brought down power lines and trees, the mercury has turned sub-zero. Are you ready? Anti-freeze in the radiator,...
Christmas at Coddenham Community Shop
The Community Shop is busy getting ready for Christmas. Take a look at our webpage, where you will find Christmas Opening Hours Stock Lists and Order Forms. We have lots of edible goodies and great...
Back to the Future – From the Rectory
It has been a glorious sunny morning, but winter is clearly coming. Leaves which so recently cloaked our trees in rich autumnal golds and browns, now carpet the lawn. The trees are increasingly...
Community Shop at National Award Ceremony
Rod and Tracy represented the Community Shop volunteers at the award ceremony for the Plunkett Foundation 2021 Rural Community Business Awards. The Plunkett Foundation is the national charity that...
Christmas Trees at St Mary’s
Last Christmas the churchyard at St Mary's was brightened up by an avenue of Christmas trees beautifully decorated by villagers. Due to popular demand the Christmas tree avenue will be repeated...
Co-Op Brass Band Concert at St Mary’s Church
Festive Brass at St Mary's Church, Coddenham The East of England CO-OP Brass Band present 'Christmas at Coddenham - Festive Brass' on Sunday 5th December at 3pm Tickets £12 per person/children free....
From the Rectory – Rest
'Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. (Matt 11:28) The year draws to a close; the temperature falls; the heating kicks in and radiators are warm to...
Coddenham Supports Children In Need
The Coddenham Baby and Toddler Group donated its weekly subscription to Children In Need and raised £50. The helpers wore yellow or dressed as bears and the children made Pudsey headbands. Thank...
Coddenham Community Shop -Shortlisted for National Rural Business Award
Coddenham Community Shop has been chosen as a finalist in the Plunkett Foundation 2021 Rural Community Business Awards. Plunkett Foundation is the national charity that supports rural communities...
Coddenham Community Shop Christmas Event
In the run up to Christmas over the years the Shop has held an open evening for customers to have a drink and some nibbles, and maybe try a few new products. Having had to cancel last year's due to...
A Short Reflection for Remembrance Day – From The Rectory
For your tomorrow we gave our today (A short reflection for Remembrance Day) When you go home, tell them of us and say, for your tomorrow we gave our today. (Kohima Epitaph) ‘For your tomorrow we...
Remembrance Sunday Service at St Mary’s
The Remembrance Sunday service at St Mary's will take place at 10.45am starting at the war memorial. The service will include wreath laying and the playing of the Last Post. Following the act of...
Saturday 13th November Coffee Morning at St Mary’s Church
St Mary's Church looks forward to welcoming you to the November Coffee Morning from 10.00am until 12 noon. It's time for bacon butties! Freshly brewed Fairtrade coffee and homemade cakes also...
From the Rectory – Let Your Light Shine
As I walked from the church, dusk was falling. Pausing a moment, I looked back and was taken by the warm, peaceful glow in the windows. How quickly things had changed. At mid-day, heavy rain,...
Poppy Appeal 2021
Poppies are now available at Coddenham Community Shop. Please bring cash for the collection tin.
District Councillors Support Coddenham Shop
Thanks to a very generous donation from our local district councillors, Tim Passmore and John Whitehead, we have been able to purchase a new display fridge. The funds have come from Tim and John's...
Re-Creation – From the Rectory
In the beginning God created…. The mid-day sun hangs low in the sky, bathing the station platform in a soft, autumnal glow. The trains have long gone. The line closed more than 50 years ago. Yet...
Country Club Quiz Night
Coddenham Country Club Halloween Quiz Sunday 31st October at 8.30pm. Halloween fancy dress optional.
Creation and Hope Service
North Bosmere Benefice Creation and Hope A special service about God’s creation and our hope for its future as we approach COP 26, the United Nations Climate Change Conference 9.30am 31 October 2021...
Christmas at Coddenham Community Shop – Turkeys Available to Order Now
The flavoursome, top quality, locally reared Turnbull Turkeys can now be ordered from Coddenham Community Shop for collection on 23rd December. Just 3 food miles! Call in or order by telephone -...
From the Rectory – Service
After the joys of Sutton Hoo (From the Rectory, 17 Oct), this week takes a sombre turn, following the murder of Sir David Amess. Any murder is a tragedy. What marks out the murder of Sir David,...
Halloween at Coddenham Community Shop
The pumpkins have arrived ready for Halloween on 31st October - just £1.50. Bags of spooky sweets ready for Trick or Treat just £1.30.
Passing Glory – From the Rectory
A few days ago, I visited Sutton Hoo. Gazing down the slope toward the Deben, I couldn’t help but think of the men who had laboured to raise a 90ft long, oak hulled, sea-going ship from the river...
Christmas is Coming at Coddenham Community Shop!
Christmas cards have arrived at the shop. We are supporting St Elizabeth's Hospice and also have a lovely range of Whistlefish cards. Buy early to avoid disappointment. Our Christmas gift range is...
Harvest Service at St Mary’s Coddenham
Our Harvest Festival service will take place at 9.30am on Sunday 17th October. We ill be supporting The Street Community in Ipswich. A group of volunteers from our local villages regularly help to...
Thanksgivings – From the Rectory
Last Friday I welcomed Stonham Aspal School into church for the school harvest service; 200 children and their teachers. It was a joyful time. From paintings of ‘my favourite food’ to researching...
Coffee Afternoon at St Mary’s – Saturday 9th October
Coffee Morning becomes Coffee Afternoon! To tie in with the Women's Cycle Tour the Coffee Morning on Saturday 9th October will be a Coffee Afternoon from 2.00 - 4.00pm. There will be a limited...
Getting Greener – a simple guide to sustainable living.
We can all play a part to improve the environment. The extreme weather conditions we have experienced throughout the world this summer and the publication of the UN report on climate change (IPCC)...