News & Information


Deborah Mcdonnell

From The Rectory – Service

Teach us good Lord, to serve thee as thou deservest[1] ….  The bunting is packed away, tourists and well-wishers go home, uniforms dry out; life goes on.  There is work to do and I’m sure that on...

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From the Rectory – Trust

Do not let your hearts be troubled  (Jn 14:1).  In this world you will have trouble, …. I have overcome the world. (Jn 16:33). Troubled hearts we seem to have a plenty.  Every news bulletin I...

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High Street Road Closure Update

The emergency road closure in the High Street today was due to a sudden water leak on the pavement.  The repair has now been carried out but reinstatement is still required. Anglian Water will carry...

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From The Rectory – Cross

Looking out of my study window I see one word, ‘cross’.  It’s written on the side of my FIAT Panda.  It’s on the inside too, part of what the marketing department would call styling.  It is, I...

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From The Rectory – Love Is

One of the most popular bible readings for a wedding begins Love is.  Taken from St Paul’s first letter to Corinth; (1 Corinthians 13) love is paints an uplifting picture that promotes positive...

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From The Rectory – Light

Night falls.  Now, although the sun set half an hour ago, its lingering rays still illumine the evening sky. Soon it will be dark but for a little while, the view from my study window remains one of...

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Thank You Coddenham

Many thanks to everyone who participated in the carol singing in the village on Tuesday evening.    Particular thanks to Ian and his 4 colleagues from the Co Op Brass Band who played so...

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Coddenham Village Carol Singing

Everyone is welcome to join in our village carol singing on Tuesday 20th December starting at the Community Shop at 6.30pm. Singing on as many doorsteps as possible, all ages and abilities welcome!...

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Let All The Earth Be Still

Tic, toc, tic, toc; with dull, rhythmic certainty the study clock beats the passing of time. Outside, a cold, arctic blast has finally driven away the last vestiges of our hot summer. Winter has...

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St Mary’s Christmas Tree

This year the yew tree by the Church porch will be lit up to celebrate Christmas. This will replace the Christmas trees along the path that we have decorated for the last two years. Villagers are...

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Concert at St Mary’s Church

A Concert of Popular Classics at St Mary's Church Saturday 29th October at 7.00pm. Brass, Pipes and Voice - featuring talented local musicians - Ian Galbraith (organ), Sarah Johnston (soprano) and...

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St Mary’s Coffee Morning

October's Coffee Morning at St Mary's Church Preserves Day Jams, marmalades, chutney for sale. Saturday 15th October 10.00- 12 noon Freshly brewed coffee and homemade cakes. Children's autumnal...

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Coffee Morning at St Mary’s

Coddenham's Coffee Morning goes regal!! Saturday 11th June, 10.00-12 noon at St Mary's Church. There will be the usual homemade cakes and fresh coffee, but we will be adding a royal twist and the...

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From the Rectory – Service

Approaching Jerusalem with Jesus, two of his disciples (James and John) came and asked a favour. They were looking for the top jobs in his kingdom.  The other ten were furious.  If there were top...

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Coffee Morning at St Mary’s

Coddenham Coffee Morning Homemade cakes and coffee with warm hot cross buns. Saturday 9th April 10.00 - 12 noon at St Mary's Church, Coddenham Easter crafts for children All welcome. All proceeds to...

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From The Rectory – Candles

This weekend we celebrate Candlemas.  Traditionally this is the moment that candles were brought into church for blessing before use. With that in mind, I have been thinking about candles. ...

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From the Rectory – At the Boundary

The sun shines, the sky is blue; it’s a glorious day for a walk along the coast. Our path lies along the top of an earth bank.  To one side the North Sea; to the other, the coast road.  Between...

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From The Rectory

From the Rectory, Sunday 13th March 2022, Lent 2 No words of wisdom this week as the Rectory has been left in the ‘watchful hands’ of its new resident. Hopefully he/she won’t have eaten everything...

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Storm Eunice Power Cut

Some houses in the village are still without power following Storm Eunice. For information and updates see Please check that your...

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From the Rectory – Rest

  'Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.  (Matt 11:28) The year draws to a close; the temperature falls; the heating kicks in and radiators are warm to...

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Coddenham Supports Children In Need

The Coddenham Baby and Toddler Group donated its weekly subscription to Children In Need and raised £50.  The helpers wore yellow or dressed as bears and the children made Pudsey headbands. Thank...

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Creation and Hope Service

North Bosmere Benefice Creation and Hope A special service about God’s creation and our hope for its future as we approach COP 26, the United Nations Climate Change Conference 9.30am 31 October 2021...

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From the Rectory – Service

After the joys of Sutton Hoo (From the Rectory, 17 Oct), this week takes a sombre turn, following the murder of Sir David Amess.  Any murder is a tragedy.  What marks out the murder of Sir David,...

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