See how the Coddenham Community is welcoming a young champion...
News & Information
Archive/Category: Andrew Macpherson
Earthquake Disaster. UPDATE
Various local organisations and residents are initiating fund and resource collections to aid the recent earthquake disasters in Turkey and Syria. This Friday’s free ‘Soup @the Centre’ at The...
Lunch Fossil Fuel Free (Almost) and Give a Little!
Your Coddenham Centre's WARM SPACE every Friday between 12.30 and 2pm is almost fossil fuel free, with the help of our Air Source Heat Pumps and soon, Solar Power. Come and join us for SOUP @the...
First Aid Success!
Twelve volunteers gave up a day to successfully qualify or re-qualify for first aid certification from the Red Cross. With two defibrillators now available in the village it's good to know we have...
Check Out our Activity of the Month – The Coddenham Centre
Each month we feature one of our nearly 20 activities, facilities or events. Go Here for More Details
Saturday Night Pizza in Coddenham!
The Mobile Pizza Company will be outside The Coddenham Country Club on Saturday 4th February between 6 - 8pm! Book to avoid delay or queue on the night! Go Here for more details. The Club is open...
The Coddenham Fete – Your Views & Contributions Please. EXTENDED.
With a Coronation and the Centenary of the Coddenham Shop, 2023 is already going to be a busy year for Coddenham. Consideration needs to be given as to whether we can resource a Coddenham Fete too?...
Valentines Quiz Night – Great Fun & A Great Success!
Nearly a 100 people joined in for a fun evening for all. Thanks to Tracey & Greg our quizmasters, another cracking set of questions and to our volunteers. Apart form a significant donation from...
THANKYOU Broom Hill Working Parties
Another successful Working Party made great progress on Broom Hill last weekend. Congratulations and thanks to all volunteers Guided by the recently commissioned Green Space Management Plan work...
Paying to Heat the Planet, Not your Home? A FREE Check Available for a Limited Period. UPDATE.
Do you know you can capture an image of your home or premises to see just how much heat you are losing? Between TUESDAY 21/02/2023 to MONDAY 20/03/2023 and Infrared Camera is being made available to...
Last Opportunity to Perhaps Save a Life!
There are 2 places left on a First Aid course to be run by the Red Cross at The Coddenham Centre of Monday February 6th, 2023. This will be an all day course starting at 9am and finishing at 5pm....
News from The Coddenham Centre!
Its green and is a further step forward for your community centre...... Go Here for All the Details.
Don’t Forget – Parish Council Meeting Tonight!
The Parish Council in our opinion have made a lot of progress this year. With a new election due in May, they need community engagement and encouragement, if the progress is to continue! The agenda...
Recycle Your Christmas Tree
A gentle nudge to remind you to leave your discarded (natural) Christmas tree at The Coddenham Centre by the 17th January.
Our Warm Space just got Hotter!
We've expanded our WARM SPACE offer at The Coddenham Centre! GO HERE for all the details
NOW LESS THAN HALF PRICE! Your Coddenham Calendar for 2023 – When They are Gone they are Gone!
Final Reductions Thank-you again to everyone who submitted photographs for our 'Jubilee' Coddenham Calendar. There were some wonderful photographs, and it was difficult to make the final selection,...
The Coddenham Jubilee Mug is now on SALE for HALF-PRICE!
Last Year a limited run of commemorative china mugs were manufactured to mark the Queens Platinum Jubilee in Coddenham. As we come to the end of this momentous year which also saw the sad passing of...
We are Caring for our Green Spaces to Support a Greener County!
See how as a community we are starting to structure our care of shared green spaces. GO DIRECT HERE!
The New Management Report for Our Green Spaces – Get Involved.
In 2021, the Coddenham Community Response Group sought to secure the creation of a management report for Broom Hill, to allow us to 'benchmark' the existing flora and how we can best care for it in...
The New Management Report for Our Green Spaces is Here!
In 2021, the Coddenham Community Response Group sought to secure the creation of a management report for Broom Hill, to allow us to 'benchmark' the existing flora and how we can best care for it in...
Try Pilates on Tuesdays – Support Needed Please!
We need re- enforcements for Pilates Classes @the Coddenham Centre! Come and see Tracey - first class free. Give it a go and make it your first NewYear Resolution. More Details HERE Don’t forget...
Coddenham Christmas Party or England versus France?
Some important news for those who want to join the Coddenham Centre’s Christmas Party this Saturday AND see England play France. For more information please GO HERE.
A(nother) Thank you to Coddenham – the Coddenham Christmas Fair 2022
Thanks all of you who managed to for turn out for this weeks Christmas Market and Craft Fare - the first since COVID. Unfortunately, a number of stallholders cried off at the last minute because of...
FREE Soup and a Warm Space at The Coddenham Centre.
The Season of Goodwill doesn't stop in Coddenham, so The Coddenham Centre are particularly delighted to be contributing to the national ‘Warm Space’ initiative, with the support of Mid Suffolk...
Christmas Market and Craft Fair TODAY!
Come and enjoy our Christmas Market and Craft Fair this Sunday the 27th November from 10am to 2pm at The Coddenham Centre. Lots to see, eat, drink and buy! Presented by Acorn Events and admission...
Haysel House Warm Room Open Now!
From Monday 14th November Haysel House will be opening on weekdays Monday – Friday 10am until 4pm in the main lounge. There will be a self- service hot drinks station, free wi-fi and newspapers....
Give a Better Health & Wellbeing Voucher!
NEW Nordic Walking Gift Vouchers are now on sale. Whether it's a complete course to GET NORDIC WALKING, one to one training, or a package of walks if you are already Nordic Walking, contact...
Thankyou Volunteers – Return of Coddenham’s Environmental Work Parties
The weekend welcomed the return of working parties to our green spaces, with an excellent mornings work on Mill Hill. Now informed by the publication of the Suffolk Wildlife Trust Survey (details...
Another Accolade for Coddenham!
The Coddenham Centre has won the Active Community of the Year Award. For full details Click on the Link to The Coddenham Centre
Working Parties Are Back – Did We Mention the Free Refreshments?
Community Work on our Green Spaces resumes this Saturday 19th between 9.30 and 12.30 at MILL HILL. Guided by the recently commissioned Suffolk Wildlife Trust Report, we'll be repairing the steps and...
Latest CCRG Member Feature – The Coddenham Country Club.
Scroll down our Home Page for Autumn's latest news on a Coddenham Community Response Group member; The Coddenham Country Club Or just Click Here!
A Question from your Coddenham Parish Council.
Your Parish Council is currently considering the budget for its fiscal year starting 1st April 2023. In an effort to keep the Precept at this year’s level or very close thereto, whist meeting the...
A New Activity at The Coddenham Centre!
A traditional pastime, updated for the 21st Century. Join a small group for leisurely mornings! More Details Here
Exciting and Wide Reaching Botanical Survey for Coddenham – RESULTS EXPECTED ANY DAY NOW.
Some may recollect that the Coddenham Community Response Group last year sought a 'benchmark' botanical survey of Broom Hill. This year, with the new support of the Coddenham Parish Council plus the...
Christmas is Coming @The Coddenham Centre
We hopefully have something for everyone this Christmas! Indoors, outdoors, (very) young and old, please join us to enjoy one or all of our events and support your Coddenham Centre. Everyone is...
Learn Something New @the Coddenham Centre – ANOTHER FREE TASTER THIS WEEK.
We have a FREE taster evening coming up at the Centre on the 26th October. Click here for details
We have a Winner!
Congratulations David Harfitt who was the lucky prize draw winner from this year's Parish Survey! He wins a hamper kindly donated by the Coddenham Community Shop. Thank you again, everyone who took...
Shrublands Hall Gets Behind Coddenham’s Community Website
At a recent presentation to the hospitality and events industry, Dr. Muhammad Farmer outlined the efforts going into preserving the newly named Shrublands Palace, making it a destination for major...
Last Call For Winning Ticket!
The Prize for the winning ticket 211 from the Coddenham Parish Survey has still not been claimed! This is the last call, if not claimed by noon Saturday 22nd October, we'll have to draw another for...
A New Nordic Walking Course Starts This Weekend
Who are these people striding across the Parish with poles, but no skis? Learn and share all the benefits they are enjoying by joining this month's Nordic Walking Course at your Coddenham Centre....
Don’t Buy A 2023 Calendar…
Until you have seen the Coddenham Calendar and the winning pictures! COMING SOON to the Coddenham Community Shop. Thank you for all the contributions - winners will be formally notified by end of...
Something Fishy?
Don't forget we welcome MOVING PLAICE to The Coddenham Centre Car Park the first Friday of every month, today! In conjunction with our friends at Haysel House, freshly cooked Fish and Chips will be...
Pssst – Whats Going On at The Coddenham Centre?
Perhaps for the first time since its commissioning in 2004, The Coddenham Centre is reconfiguring a piece of its space.... Have a look here for more details.
YUMMY – Cooking in Coddenham Again….
Look what's cooking in Coddenham on October 16th... Delicous
Cheering Coddenham On!
The Coddenham Community Response Group and associates recently received the following congratulations, from Simon Pott, Chairman of the Day Foundation. Dear David, Thank you for including all the...
Coddenham Fete 2022
`FETE 2022 Wow! What a fabulous journey that was (no – not our trip to Dover now the Fete is over!). From an almost standing start what an achievement - thanks to you all, and thanks a million times...
His Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant of Suffolk, Lady Euston visits Coddenham,
His Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant of Suffolk, Lady Euston will be visiting Coddenham, this Saturday afternoon 1st October. It is a long standing invitation from the the award winning Community Shop,...
Attention Dogs and their Owners!
We are blessed in Coddenham with an abundance of countryside and public foot paths which can be used for dog walking, we also have dog bins in the village to place any waste. The majority of dogs...
Enjoy Coffee in Aid of Macmillan Cancer Support at The Coddenham Centre this Friday.
The Coddenham Centre is delighted to be loaning our foyer for a Coffee Morning hosted by the Coffee Station. Friday 23rd September from 10.30am - 1pm Please do come along and support this important...
Award for the Coddenham Centre!
Hear how your Coddenham Centre has bought both recognition for its leadership, but the community of Coddenham too! Follow the link for full details!
A Date for Your (2023) Diary
Following this year’s success, the date for next year’ Coddenham Fete and a possible Festival has been tentatively set for the 17th June 2023. More details will follow later this year. Thank you...
Thankyou the Coddenham Fete!
On behalf of the organisers, The Coddenham Centre would like to thank the great many people who helped with this years Fete - the first, post pandemic. Above all, thank-you everyone who came along...
The Results Are In! ON DISPLAY NOW.
Thank you everyone who contributed to this year’s Parish Survey. There was an excellent return and with the helpful analytic support from Parish Councillor Nick Mills, representatives of the...
Jubilee Calendar Photo Competition – LAST FEW DAYS!
This year we are running an exciting competition for photographers of all skill levels in Coddenham. Win a £50 hamper from the Community Shop, with goodies and a commemorative mug for runners up....
St Mary’s Church
The bells of St Mary's Church, Coddenham will be rung at noon today, joining others across the country to mark the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Thank you volunteer bellringer!
The Coddenham Fete
At a meeting of some fifty parishioners on Thursday 8th September, to discuss the outcome of the Parish Survey, the sad news of the death of her Majesty the Queen was received. After a short period...
THANKYOU Volunteers!
A great week for volunteering in Coddenham. From a busy litter-pick last weekend, to a CCRG meeting (thank you hosts Retreat East), the return of Baby & Toddlers Group 7th, to busy preparations...
Be In It to Bin It – Coddenham Litter Pick.
Following Coddenham's successful 'Clean for the Queen' contribution, our next COMMUNITY LITTER PICK takes place on Saturday 3rd September. Meet at The Coddenham Centre from 10.30 - 12.30 - pickers,...
Charity Bingo @The Coddenham Centre
Local residents have got together to create an exciting night of BINGO fun and games this month, in aid of Cancer Research UK. All the Details Here
Something Fishy at The Coddenham Centre…..
and other changes too Follow the link Plus, don't forget the SUMMER QUIZ on Saturday night !
Coddenham Fete Update!
Attached are the LIST OF ATTRACTIONS and details of the PRODUCE COMPETITION SCHEDULE. Don't forget to contact Alan or Jill West with offers of help, raffle and tombola donations! Click Here for the...
MURDER comes by LIMO – New Book by Tom Boles
Local resident Tom Boles publishes his third novel - available in the Coddenham Community Shop or online through Amazon* now. BRAD WILLIS ADVENTURE #3 – PUBLISHED - 15th JULY They killed his wife....
Let Your Light Shine – From the Rectory – this Month’s Notices
From The Rectory - Let Your Light Shine School holidays have now begun but during the last two weeks of term I had the opportunity to spend time in both Creeting and Stonham primary schools; time to...
Ride & Stride For St. Mary’s Coddenham!
The Suffolk Historic Churches Trust was formed in 1973 to support all Churches and Chapels with repairs, restoration and improvements. Since then it has raised over £5 million and helped over 700...
DELICIOUS New Menu and lots to see and do at The Coddenham Centre this Weekend.
Lots to enjoy at your Coddenham Centre this weekend! From football to walks to history and a NEW Brunch Menu, there is hopefully something for all, this first weekend of the holiday. Click Here for...
Looking for Some Fun with Family or Friends?
Use our spacious hall for a game of Badminton or Short Tennis (we'll show you) plus use of our Table Tennis Table, for just £15 for exclusive use, any number subject to available equipment, all of...
History with Hilarity Promised by the Coddenham History Club.
Charlie Haylock and "The Dig" - The Coddenham History Club are back at the Coddenham Centre on Friday 29th July at 7.30pm. Members Free* and Visitors £.3.00, on the Door. Just go to The Coddenham...
The workout that beats HIIT for better heart health, according to a new study. Train this week at The Coddenham Centre!
Just Click on this (Safe) Link to The Coddenham Centre for all details including new research.
The Big Butterfly Count is on Again!
The Big Butterfly Count is a UK-wide survey aimed at helping us assess the health of our environment simply by counting the amount and type of butterflies (and some day-flying moths) we see. Follow...
Summer Fun at The Coddenham Centre
For details of our next SUMMER BRUNCH plus a SUMMER QUIZ NIGHT, PLEASE FOLLOW THE LINK HERE PLUS Did you know, you can hire The Coddenham Centre for exclusive use of three hours of badminton or...
Last Week for Parish Survey Returns!
.....and did we mention the opportunity to win a hamper...? Help shape the future of Coddenham with your feedback and comments. If you have already returned to your distributor, the Community Shop...
The Latest Notice Sheet from St Mary’s Church
Please CLICK HERE for your latest Notice Sheet from St Mary's Church
More Nordic Walking at The Coddenham Centre!
Enjoy Walking in the Suffolk Countryside? Walk better, with more benefits and nice company too! Just Click on this Link to go to the latest details from the Suffolk School of Nordic Walking @The...
Shape the Future of Coddenham
Following the successful Coddenham Jubilee celebrations, there is now an opportunity to shape a Community Plan together, with a Parish wide SURVEY. There has been no parish-wide Survey since 2000....
What A Success – Coddenham Cracks the Big Lunch
Congratulations to everyone in the Coddenham community and beyond, who came together to celebrate H.M. the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, with the Big Lunch at The Coddenham Centre on Sunday 5th June....
Coddenham Jubilee Celebrations Underway
Nearly 150 people attended Thursday's beacon lighting in Coddenham to herald the start of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations. Our thanks to Sybil Gayfer for lighting duties and to the Day Foundation...
Coddenham Car Charging is Still One of the Most Competitive!
Look at the Coddenham Centre’s Offer HERE
A Jubilee Commemorative Mug for every Coddenham Parish Resident Under 12. Plus NOW ON SALE!
A limited run of commemorative porcelain china mugs have been manufactured to mark the Queens Platinum Jubilee in Coddenham. Each child under the age of twelve and having resided for more than six...
A Jubilee Commemorative Mug for every Coddenham Parish Resident Under 12.
A limited run of commemorative bone china mugs are being manufactured to mark the Queens Platinum Jubilee in Coddenham. Each child under the age of twelve and having resided for more than six months...
BBC Radio Suffolk's Mark Murphy gave a thumbs up on Sunday for Coddenham's CLEAN FOR THE QUEEN efforts, 'I popped into Coddenham and it looking amazing'. Thanks for the encouragement Mark! We also...
Light the Fire for Jubilee Celebrations!
After a successful CLEAN FOR THE QUEEN (thank you those who supported), along with the rest of the Country we light the Jubilee Beacon at 9.45pm on Thursday 2nd June at St Mary's Church, Please join...
East Anglia Green Consultation – Bringing Off Shore, On Shore
The UK has set a clear ambition for our country to be a global leader in clean energy. The Government has set a commitment to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and an ambition to...
Deadline for Comments or Views on Community Governance Review.
Mid Suffolk District Council has commenced a Community Governance Review in all parts of the District. The purpose of the review is to enable the Council to consider what changes are needed to...
Introducing NEW, Coddenham Parish Council Surgeries.
PARISH COUNCIL 'DROP IN' SURGERIES starting TUESDAY 7 JUNE 2022 2pm to 4pm HELD AT THE CODDENHAM COMMUNITY SHOP If you have a query, a concern, an idea please pop in and speak with one of your...
Next Step in Preparations for Jubilee Celebrations!
After the successful arrival of the Festival of Suffolk Torch last Saturday, we follow up with a CLEAN FOR THE QUEEN litter pick, this Saturday 28th May at 10am Please meet at The Coddenham Centre,...
Welcome the Festival of Suffolk Jubilee Torch
THANKYOU everybody who turned out to welcome the Festival of Suffolk Torch to Coddenham! Local hero Margaret Baker was handed the torch by Hemingstone Hero Alex Adams, as part of its 500 mile...
Lockdales Evaluation Morning will be joined by the Coffee Station – Thursday!
Use this unique free opportunity on your doorstep and call in at Lockdales roadshow at The Coddenham Centre - Thursday 19th May from 10am until 2pm. More details Call in for a cup of coffee at the...
St Mary’s Churchyard Tops for Wild Flowers Again
Nice to see in the latest Suffolk Wildlife Trust magazine, St Mary's church, Coddenham, is number one in a new list of churchyards to see in Suffolk. Go to for...
And so it Begins – Arrival of Torch in Coddenham Marks the Start of our Jubilee Celebrations.
To herald the start of The Festival of Suffolk and the celebrations to mark HM the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, a symbolic torch will travel through communities in Suffolk this summer carried by local...
Can You Help A New Guest from Ukraine?
The Coddenham Centre has been pleased to provide complementary training facilities alongside other community help, to Nastya Ruban, a Ukrainian junior badminton champion and a new guest in...
It’s Landed – Coddenham Community Shop Welcomes a New Addition via Hemingstone.
The Coddenham Community Shop has welcomed its new, state of the art sandwich toaster, adding to a range of tasty snacks and beverages. Provided via a kind donation from Hemingstone Parish Council,...
NEW Nordic Walking Courses Start this Saturday!
Get fit (or fitter) for the summer, easily, by just walking with us ..... Accessible for all ages and levels - supercharge your workout or just struggling to get going/recover? We'll help - (and...
Coddenham Parish Council Invite You
CODDENHAM PARISH COUNCIL INVITE YOU to Informal Question and Answer Sessions Prior to each Parish Council Meeting STARTING this THURSDAY 12 MAY 2022 7-7.30pm At the Coddenham Centre. All...
From the Rectory – A Quiet Bank Holiday
There was barely a sound. Outside, the trees were still, with not a bird or squirrel in sight; even the road was empty. Only the faint hum of the freezer, and the rhythmic tick of a clock,...
Spring – FREE Nordic Walking Taster – This Saturday!
Come and learn about this easy exercise and what out can do for you, friends and family. This Saturday 7th May we'll be holding an informal sixty minute session at 3pm at the Coddenham Centre Please...
Coddenham Cares – Check Out Our New Page on all Things Environmental
Since early 2021 we've featured local efforts to care for the environment and the community's contribution to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2030. Local successes such as the Coddenham...
Coddenham Cares – First in the Regular Features on All Things Environmental For Coddenham
MILL HILL If you wander onto Mill Hill from the Mill Lane direction you may notice unused metal gateposts at the start of the walk and the hard surface to the road. A few years ago your right of...
The History of the Coddenham Community Shop
The Coddenham History Club have collated a history of the Coddenham Community Shop. A fascinating insight into the long, rich history of this community asset and more recently, founding Coddenham...
Planning for the Future of the Community
Unified communities are not new. Since the dawn of time, communities be they tribal, small townships or villages have drawn together, to address the challenges of the day. Just after the Second...
Some MORE dates for your Diary @The Coddenham Centre!
Here are the very latest, up to the minute dates of what's going on at The Coddenham Centre, in the months and weeks ahead. Events @The Coddenham Centre - 5 May Annual Parish Meeting, 7 May FREE...
Return of the Heartlands Country Music Club
This Saturday from 6.30 Tanya and the Heartlands Club are hosting another evening of great country music. Welcome the Darren Busby Duo - Bar & bacon butties! Music from 7pm - Please stay COVID...
Checkout the Coddenham You Tube Channel
Julian Hall runs a lively channel for all things Coddenham, past and present! Check it Out Here
Bank Holiday Brunch!
Come along to The Coddenham Centre between 10am and 1pm* on Easter Bank Holiday Monday 18th April, for one our great Brunch offerings. Delicious bacon or veggie rolls, pastries, juice, good...
Country Music @ The Coddenham Centre this Weekend
We welcome another Heartlands Country Club night at The Coddenham Centre, this Saturday 16th April, with Gary Leonard. The second in a regular programme of events, featuring great artistes, bacon...
SIGN UP for even more information about Coddenham and what’s happening!
Often referred to as the ‘Coddenham Cascade’ the Coddenham Village mailing list predates our community website and its predecessors, successfully distributing information and notices to those who...
Understanding Our Community
The Coddenham Centre has over the past two years, tried to gather a better understanding of the make up of our community. We are indebted to the Suffolk Observatory for their help. We have often...
Looking for Some Fun with Family or Friends?
Use our spacious hall for a game of Badminton or Short Tennis (we'll show you) plus use of our Table Tennis Table, for just £15 for exclusive use, any number subject to available equipment, all of...
Looking for Some Fun with Family or Friends?
Use our spacious hall for a game of Badminton or Short Tennis (we'll show you) plus use of our Table Tennis Table, for just £15 for exclusive use, any number subject to available equipment, all of...
Work Out, Stretch, Chill and Fill – all in a day at The Coddenham Centre!
ON FRIDAY Nina's HiiT & Tone class returns at 9.30am, Tracey's Pilates at 11.15am followed by Martin's Tai Chi at 3.15pm then the Mobile Pizza Company are on The Coddenham Centre Car Park...
New Parish Councillors Co-opted
Thanks to all who came along to support new prospective Parish Councillors on Thursday night. The following candidates were co-opted; Isabel Burgess Mike Kenning Jane Soanes Joanne Stanley-Bell Ian...
Cheer Your Representatives On!
On Thursday night 17th at 7.30pm, remaining members of the Coddenham Parish Council will be considering the applications for co-option to fill some seven vacancies that are now available. A number...
Thank you for your Generosity Coddenham!
This Sunday’s Brunch in aid of the Disasters Emergency Committee humanitarian appeal for Ukraine raised nearly £700 in a little more than two hours. Thankyou everyone who joined in, volunteered,...
Coddenham Centre Adds More to the Queen’s Green Canopy
We've just added another one hundred and fifty hedging and trees, as part of the Coddenham Centre's contribution to the Queen's Green Canopy to mark the Jubilee. Our thanks toTrustee Dave Wythe who...
Coddenham Cares About the Environment!
The Energy Survey last year by Suffolk Climate Change Partnership & Groundworks East, found Coddenham the biggest respondents out of the thirteen communities contacted. The follow up this year...
Donate to the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal this Sunday!
Join us for BRUNCH at the Coddenham Centre this Sunday 13th March between 10am & 1pm, where all proceeds will go to the Disasters Emergency Committee humanitarian appeal for Ukraine. Go here for...
Don’t Forget Brunch @the Coddenham Centre this Sunday!
From 10am to 1pm, Sunday 13th March Gail’s great breakfast baps, (+ vegetarian option), Buck’s Fizz, great coffee/ tea, juice, pastries * and a warm welcome from your Coddenham Centre team. Offset...
More, New Activities & Events @ your Coddenham Centre in ‘22!
We are delighted to announce a range of NEW activities and events at your Coddenham Centre. Never has there been a better time to improve health and wellbeing for all, while having fun! We are still...
More Jubilee News – Volunteers
Voluntary and Charitable organisations recently got together, hosted by the Day Foundation to discuss Jubilee celebration plans and contributions. Represented were all CCRG members, The Coddenham...
New Trustee for The Coddenham Centre
Read about the latest addition to the team at your Coddenham Centre, HERE
Coddenham in the Press This Month!
There is a great feature on Coddenham and surrounding areas in Suffolk Norfolk Life this month. Go Here or Buy a copy from the Community Shop or your news seller. Unsolicited, but thanks have been...
A Little Bit of Calm and a Gentle Stretch – Try Tai-Chi!
Join our Tai Chi class every Friday afternoon at 3.15pm! Exotic name, gentle exercise First session free then £7.00 weekly, beginners welcome! Exercise for all at your Coddenham Centre. You Tube...
Pizza in Coddenham Tonight! Revised Time
Don't forget the The Mobile Pizza Company are on The Coddenham Centre Car Park between 5pm & 6.30pm TONIGHT! Reserve your pizza or just turn up .
FINAL CALL – Show Coddenham Cares Again!
Community Energy Behaviours Survey - This is the final shout please! Groundwork East are working with the Suffolk Climate Change Partnership to help communities reduce their carbon footprint. A few...
Getting Ready for the Platinum Jubilee – News
The Coddenham Centre has announced it is working with the support of the members of the Coddenham Community Response Group to co-ordinate the Big Jubilee Lunch in Coddenham, on the 5th June 2022 We...
Some Events at The Coddenham Centre This Weekend
Plenty happening this weekend at the Coddenham Centre! Look out for Tai Chi this Friday at 3.15pm and every Friday, First class with Martin free, then £7 a session. All beginners welcome! Badminton...
Coddenham Village Jubilee Fete Gets Underway!
Coddenham Village Fete 2022 - A Message from Coddenham Resident Alan West The Coddenham Village Fete will be held on Saturday 10th September 2022, which is the traditional time of year for the...
Recycle Your Christmas Tree at the Coddenham Centre
Don’t forget, from next week you can leave your Christmas Tree in the marked area at the Centre car park for recycling by Mid Suffolk District Council. Please remove decorations and pile neatly...
Brunch may be Postponed, but Coffee is on!
We may have postponed Brunch as a precaution, but the COFFEE STATION will be in the Coddenham car park, 10 am - 1 pm on Sunday 2nd January. We’ll also be welcoming CHOOSE REFILLS back on the 16th (...
Welcome Back to Your Community Shop!
Please go to our dedicated webpage for our holiday opening hours. Top up or replenish your supplies - our *volunteers are waiting to serve you! * fancy a new year challenge, join our volunteers in...
New Events and More @The Coddenham Centre
Our high ceilings, safe space and stringent precautions help us to stay open for your health and wellbeing. We look forward to seeing you in 2022. Check out our New Year Poster and Details Here....
Another Local Author Publishes!
The Coddenham community is rich with enterprise and creativity. We welcome another publication by a local author. ‘Through the Dreamcatcher (Gippings)’ - a fantasy novel written by new and local...
Brunch Postponed!
At the Coddenham Centre we pride ourselves on COVID care. The diligence of staff, trustees and volunteers has ensured everyone’s safety through the last 21 months. We have therefore sadly decided in...
Electric Vehicle Charging Comes to Coddenham.
The latest installation of Suffolk County Council’s ‘Plug In Suffolk’ electric vehicle charging network has come to a local community in Mid Suffolk, courtesy of the Coddenham Centre’s environmental...
The Latest COVID Care at The Coddenham Centre.
You can check out our latest advice and precautions at your Coddenham Centre HERE.
Resident Tom Bowles Releases New Book!
Shades of White is the latest in books about international agent Brad Wills written by local resident, Tom Bowles. MI6 calls on Brad Willis to go to Antarctica to investigate powerful and dangerous...
The Coddenham Centre Shortlisted for Active Suffolk 2021 Awards
Active Suffolk Awards 2021 The Coddenham Centre shortlisted for this years Awards in the Active Community category!
One Hundred Years of Recreation & Sport in Coddenham
Saturday 27th November celebrated a 100 years of the Coddenham Sport and Recreation Ground, with a commemorative planting and the community working together to plant 450 new hedges and trees. You...
Energy Saving Survey – Well Done Coddenham!
In a final extra effort, Coddenham sailed past all other participating communities in Suffolk to return a 26% of households in the recent Energy Survey. Congratulations on Being the Best Returning...
A Great Night Out – Delivered – Thank you
Thank you to everyone who supported and enjoyed our sell out Christmas Quiz. Eighty people enjoyed a delicious ploughman's supper, with homemade slaw and sausage rolls from Centre Manager Gail...
Choose Refills and the Coffee Station at the Coddenham Centre This Sunday!
Two favourites here this Sunday from 10am to 1 pm!
One Hundred Years of the Coddenham Recreation Ground and Opportunity to Help the Planet Together!
On the 27th November between 9am and 12pm, we’ll be inviting the community to help us plant some 150 metres of replacement and new hedging plus trees, in and around The Coddenham Centre. Its part of...
Last days to Fill out the Local Energy Survey – 17% of Coddenham Care – Do You?
We have had a moderate 17% of responses from the community, while not the least, there are some villages who have achieved 25% Lets show everyone we can do better.... The Survey takes a few minutes...
Stolen from The Coddenham Centre – Reward Offered.
We are sad to report the theft of our Football Club ride on mower over the weekend. Thieves broke through the gate of the Recreation Ground and the storage shed, to take the mower away by vehicle,...
More Accolades for Coddenham – a COP26 Fortnight Finale?
Click on here to see what your Coddenham Centre has been cooking up on behalf of the Community, over the past two weeks. Pss..... and congratulations to the Community Shop for their own success......
Coddenham Centre Christmas Quiz – SOLD OUT!
THANK-YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT In the interests of maintaining our safety standards, please don’t turn up without a ticket. We look forward to great night out. Follow the LINK TO THE CENTRE for the...
Shrubland Hall Placed on Historic England’s Heritage at Risk Register
The Coddenham Community Response Group followed up community concerns last summer, about the Shrublands Hall and estate. There was a helpful exchange with Councillor John Whitehead covered in our...
Show How Coddenham Cares for the Planet – Fill out the Survey!
The Coddenham Centre is trying to play its part in the community to support the road to net zero carbon emissions. The average household carbon footprint in Coddenham is 24.6 tonnes CO e per year....
The Coffee Station @The Coddenham Centre this Weekend!
All your delicous favourites from 10 - 1pm on Sunday 31st October!
Special Offer for Families and Friends @The Coddenham Centre
Exclusively enjoy our spacious surrounds and high ceilings for some fully equipped activities for three hours for just £15.00 Go Here for more details Don't forget our usual programme of activities...
Return of the Christmas Quiz – Tickets Now on Sale!
Tracey and Greg are whipping up those questions to get you guessing in a fun night out at the Coddenham Centre on November 29th. The return of the Christmas Quiz after two years ( yes two) is...
Who’s Gone Pink?!
Seen a pink apparition or even two, around the village? Clues are a Trustee, PCC member, Gardemau Chair .... All is revealed here....
Coddenham (Centre) in the News Again
Not only was the Suffolk School of Nordic Walking's first birthday and latest collaboration with the NHS in the news at the weekend, but it was quickly followed up with news of another Coddenham...
Active Travel in Babergh and Mid Suffolk – Progress Update
Nearly 2000 responses were received for the BMSDC Travel Consultation shared on these pages. An initial summary can be found here. Congratulations to our neighbor's Hemmingstone Parish Council for...
The Suffolk School of Nordic Walking Celebrates it’s First Birthday!
Representation from some eighty walkers who have trained with the School at the Coddenham Centre, including representatives from the NHS and Active Suffolk, joined in a celebratory Brunch last...
Good Neighbours Week
Running from Monday 11th October, all week, this is a national programme which the Coddenham Community Response Group links to as part of its membership of the Good Neighbour Network and Community...
Women’s Cycle Tour – this Weekend
Lots happening in Coddenham this weekend - don't forget Stage Six of the Women's Cycle Tour will be coming through the village between 1.30 and 3pm. Village access will be restricted. Go to the...
LOTS happening at The Coddenham Centre this Weekend!
We have lots happening at your Coddenham Centre this weekend. Please go here for full details. and some dates for your diary. There is something for everyone and even for FREE!
Advance Notice – Return of the Christmas Quiz @the Coddenham Centre
We are pleased to announce a new date for your diary with the return of our popular CHRISTMAS QUIZ on Saturday November 20th at The Coddenham Centre. Replacing a previously announced December date,...
From the Rectory – Shortages
This week the headlines have been dominated by shortages; a shortage of fuel, of drivers, of seasonal workers and, for some, a shortage of patience and consideration for others. I suspect also that...
A Harvest Festival With Our Neighbours
Neighbouring Hemmingstone's Annual Harvest Flower Festival takes place at St Gregory's Church this weekend, with the theme “The Journey”. Open Sat 2nd and Sunday 3rd October 11 - 4.30pm each day. As...
Autumn Nordic Walks in Suffolk for All Levels
If you are already a Nordic Walker or aspire to be one, we have walks for all levels of fitness and progress, several times a week @The Coddenham Centre and beyond. Profient Nordic Walker or would...
A Plug (sorry) For Solar Together
Don't miss out on SOLAR TOGETHER SUFFOLK Solar Together Suffolk is an innovative scheme offering high-quality solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and battery storage. It is a group-buying scheme, which...
Well Done Sarah & Mitch – Local Volunteers Complete 200 mile Bike Ride for Macmillan Cancer Support.
Coddenham Centre volunteers have made it! Go to Here for more details you can still donate too!
Shrublands Hall & Estate
Following concerns shared by residents and on local social media accounts, the Coddenham Community Response Group contacted our Mid Suffolk District Councillors for any information. Councillor John...
Garden Party Fundraiser at our Neighbours, this Sunday!
Local charity @Suffolk_Artlink is holding a Garden Party fundraiser on Sunday 19th of September in Pettaugh. Go to The Coddenham Centre for booking details..
Welcome to Coddenham
New arrivals to the Parish of Coddenham now get a warm welcome on behalf of the community, with a jam packed introduction pack, provided by the Coddenham Community Response Group. Compiled by Debbie...
Look Back in Time
All our NEWS and information is retained on your Community website, so that you can look back over the past year and remember. Alternatively, if you are just a visitor or thinking of moving to...
From the Rectory
Bless The Lord O My Soul it’s a glorious day. Stepping into the kitchen for breakfast, I saw that,while our trees are still green, with the golden stubble in the fields behind them, the early...
Little Rainbows Baby Sensory Classes @The Coddenham Centre
The latest addition to our Activities for all ages comes to The Coddenham Centre from Tuesday 7th September and continues every week during term time. Please got to The Coddenham Centre website for...
Thank you Brunchers and Table Top Sellers.
Another successful event @the Coddenham Centre last Sunday. Thankyou everyone who supported, helped and volunteered for the day. While the purpose has always been for community and neighbours to get...
TableTop Sale & Brunch this Sunday @ the Coddenham Centre
Browse for bargains or get rid of that lockdown clutter, while enjoying a delicious outdoor* Brunch this Sunday 5th September from 10am - 1pm or until stocks last. Click here for the Coddenham...
New Yoga at The Coddenham Centre
Did you know we offer a range of Yoga Classes at The Coddenham Centre? Please go our Web Pages to our latest new offerings from Carole at Dru Yoga continuing in September.
Another FREE Taster @The Coddenham Centre
With over fifty people now successfully Nordic Walking @The Coddenham Centre and enjoying the benefits, why not give it a try before the evenings draw in? A free hour, fully equipped and socially...
Thank you Brunchers!
A quick THANKYOU to everyone who supported last weekend's Sunday Brunch. A convivial sell out, with the weather being exceptionally kind, given all the doom & gloom (and contingency in place)....
Local Photographer in the News
Local resident Georgie Kerr will have recognised recent sports success in the Olympic news. Not least Tom Daley, who alongside many other sports stars, she has photographed over many years. A...
The Coddenham Centre is Awarded its Carbon Charter.
Part of its successful strategy to demonstrate care for both community and the environment, The Coddenham Centre was formally presented with its Bronze Suffolk Carbon Charter this month. You can...
Outdoor Sunday Brunch at The Coddenham Centre, this Sunday 22nd, with some Free Entertainment!
Enjoy reasonably priced Breakfast Baps, pastries, filter coffee, tea, juices and Bucks Fizz from 10am – 1pm, while listening to comfortable classics, sung by Mr Smooth. Social distancing available,...
The Coffee Station @the Coddenham Centre This Morning!
All the favourites 10 am - 1 pm
Coddenham Athletic Football Club – The Coddenham Centre
For latest news on recently announced changes, please go to The Coddenham Centre CAFC News
Climate is for Everyone
While a hefty report, its headlines are arguably for everyone, wherever your community is. The Coddenham Community Response Group (CCRG) is providing a link to IPCC | Climate Change 2021: The...
Parking Update @the Coddenham Centre
As trailered on the Coddenham Centre website last week, we’ll be putting up some new signs at the Centre to remind users that they park at their own risk. While visitors to Coddenham are very...
Butterfly Alert – Have You Been Counting?
Thank-you to the Coddenham Centre web site for alerting us to the Big Butterfly Count. It would be interesting to hear from those who took part. There could be no better starting place than the...
The Coddenham Centre Welcomes NHS Patients and Staff
The latest of the NHS Nordic Walking Courses with Macmillan and the Suffolk School of Nordic Walking, kicks off on Wednesday 4th August for Ipswich Hospital's patients and staff, at the Coddenham...
Active Travel Plan Update
Consultation on the Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Council Active Travel Plan ended on Thursday 22nd July. Enthusiasm for alternative forms of transport was emphasised by the response of around...
What’s Happening @the Coddenham Centre?
The Coddenham Centre while busy with a choice of nearly twenty activities, doesn’t stand still! Some recent small changes to our rather tired bowling green, has caused some speculation. Although...
COVID Step Four
As another cautious milestone is marked in the battle with COVID, all the latest information can continue to be found here on your Community website www.coddenham- While cases are high and...
The Big Butterfly Count is ON in Coddenham
For full details and links to how you can get involved, Go Over to The Coddenham Centre Here We need everyone in the community to take just 15 minutes to help. Who? yes, you......... Its a lovely...
New Nordic Walking!
We are introducing for a trial period, a new walk, 'A Stroll With Poles', for those returning to exercise for the first time, having learnt to Nordic Walk previously or with us. One of our four,...
Thank you for Another Successful Sunday Brunch!
Many thanks to all those who joined our outdoor Sunday Brunch, despite the showers! Both new and now familiar faces were there, by noon the sun came out and we eventually sold out! With the help of...
Mischief in Coddenham
It’s sad to report some foolish vandalism on our Recreation and Football field over the weekend. Diligent residents reported the theft of goal net fixtures and a broken window, with attempted entry...
Lots Happening This Weekend @the Coddenham Centre!
To round off another busy week of Activities @The Coddenham Centre, Saturday sees three on offer, FREE to first timers, followed by another delicious Sunday Brunch. Saturday morning kicks off with...
NEW Circuit Training Tonight at The Coddenham Centre – First Session Free – All Ages & Fitness Welcome
Mix Cardio and Strength training at Circuits on a Wednesday at TCC 6.15pm with Lee. A workout which involves muscular strength, endurance and resistance training matched to your personal fitness...
The latest from the Suffolk Good Neighbour Network
Go here for the latest information from the Suffolk Good Neighbour Network from Community Action Suffolk
Coddenham On BBC Radio Suffolk Again!
A second Coddenham resident inside twelve months was on BBC Radio Suffolk's Lesley Dolphin's 'Sofa', this week, when Tom Boles provided a fascinating interview. Scientist and now novel writer Tom...
Coddenham On Air Again
Local scientist, nordic walker and now writer of a new novel, will be featured on BBC Radio Suffolk's Lesley Dolphin Show Wednesday 23rd between 3.30 & 4pm. See the previous post on Tom's latest...
Local Resident Publishes a New Book!
Well known Coddenham resident Tom Boles has discovered more supernovae than any other person in history. Tom is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society and a past President of The British...
Thanks for Brunch!
Many thanks to everyone who supported and volunteered help behind the scenes last Sunday, for our successful first outdoor SUNDAY BRUNCH @the Coddenham Centre, We took over £400 and above all, were...
Free Nordic Walking, Bookings For June Being Taken Now!
Our next FREE Nordic Walking Taster takes place in the open air at The Coddenham Centre on Saturday June 12th at 2pm. Come and join the Suffolk School of Nordic Walking for an hour and learn what...
Let’s Do Brunch!
Check out details of our exciting monthly outdoor Sunday Brunches At The Coddenham Centre, starting Sunday 6th June from 10 - 1 pm
Coffee Station @ The Coddenham Centre this Sunday!
All your favourites from the team, 10am - 1pm