News & Information


Andrew Macpherson

We have a Winner!

Congratulations David Harfitt who was the lucky prize draw winner from this year's Parish Survey! He wins a hamper kindly donated by the Coddenham Community Shop. Thank you again, everyone who took...

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Last Call For Winning Ticket!

The Prize for the winning ticket 211 from the Coddenham Parish Survey has still not been claimed! This is the last call, if not claimed by noon Saturday 22nd October, we'll have to draw another for...

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Don’t Buy A 2023 Calendar…

Until you have seen the Coddenham Calendar and the winning pictures! COMING SOON to the Coddenham Community Shop. Thank you for all the contributions - winners will be formally notified by end of...

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Cheering Coddenham On!

The Coddenham Community Response Group and associates recently received the following congratulations, from Simon Pott, Chairman of the Day Foundation. Dear David, Thank you for including all the...

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Coddenham Fete 2022

`FETE 2022 Wow! What a fabulous journey that was (no – not our trip to Dover now the Fete is over!). From an almost standing start what an achievement - thanks to you all, and thanks a million times...

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St Mary’s Church

The bells of St Mary's Church, Coddenham will be rung at noon today, joining others across the country to mark the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Thank you volunteer bellringer!

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THANKYOU Volunteers!

A great week for volunteering in Coddenham. From a busy litter-pick last weekend, to a CCRG meeting (thank you hosts Retreat East), the return of Baby & Toddlers Group 7th, to busy preparations...

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Coddenham Fete Update!

Attached are the LIST OF ATTRACTIONS and details of the PRODUCE COMPETITION SCHEDULE. Don't forget to contact Alan or Jill West with offers of help, raffle and tombola donations! Click Here for the...

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Last Week for Parish Survey Returns!

.....and did we mention the opportunity to win a hamper...? Help shape the future of Coddenham with your feedback and comments. If you have already returned to your distributor, the Community Shop...

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Shape the Future of Coddenham

Following the successful Coddenham Jubilee celebrations, there is now an opportunity to shape a Community Plan together, with a Parish wide SURVEY. There has been no parish-wide Survey since 2000....

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Coddenham Jubilee Celebrations Underway

Nearly 150 people attended Thursday's beacon lighting in Coddenham to herald the start of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations. Our thanks to Sybil Gayfer for lighting duties and to the Day Foundation...

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BBC Radio Suffolk's Mark Murphy gave a thumbs up on Sunday for Coddenham's CLEAN FOR THE QUEEN efforts, 'I popped into Coddenham and it looking amazing'. Thanks for the encouragement Mark! We also...

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Bank Holiday Brunch!

Come along to The Coddenham Centre between 10am and 1pm* on Easter Bank Holiday Monday 18th April, for one our great Brunch offerings. Delicious bacon or veggie rolls, pastries, juice, good...

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Coddenham in the Press This Month!

There is a great feature on Coddenham and surrounding areas in Suffolk Norfolk Life this month. Go Here or Buy a copy from the Community Shop or your news seller. Unsolicited, but thanks have been...

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Brunch Postponed!

At the Coddenham Centre we pride ourselves on COVID care. The diligence of staff, trustees and volunteers has ensured everyone’s safety through the last 21 months. We have therefore sadly decided in...

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Good Neighbours Week

Running from Monday 11th October, all week, this is a national  programme which the Coddenham Community Response Group links to as part of its membership of the Good Neighbour Network and Community...

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Welcome to Coddenham

New arrivals to the Parish of Coddenham now get a warm welcome on behalf of the community, with a jam packed introduction pack, provided by the Coddenham Community Response Group. Compiled by Debbie...

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Look Back in Time

All our NEWS and information is retained on your Community website, so that you can look back over the past year and remember. Alternatively, if you are just a visitor or thinking of moving to...

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From the Rectory

Bless The Lord O My Soul it’s a glorious day.  Stepping into the kitchen for breakfast, I saw that,while our trees are still green, with the golden stubble in the fields behind them, the early...

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Thank you Brunchers!

A quick THANKYOU to everyone who supported last weekend's Sunday Brunch. A convivial sell out, with the weather being exceptionally kind, given all the doom & gloom (and contingency in place)....

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Local Photographer in the News

Local resident Georgie Kerr will have recognised recent sports success in the Olympic news. Not least Tom Daley, who alongside many other sports stars, she has photographed over many years. A...

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Climate is for Everyone

While a hefty report, its headlines are arguably for everyone, wherever your community is. The Coddenham Community Response Group (CCRG) is providing a link to IPCC | Climate Change 2021: The...

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Active Travel Plan Update

Consultation on the Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Council Active Travel Plan ended on Thursday 22nd July. Enthusiasm for alternative forms of transport was emphasised by the response of around...

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COVID Step Four

As another cautious milestone is marked in the battle with COVID, all the latest information can continue to be found here on your Community website www.coddenham- While cases are high and...

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New Nordic Walking!

We are introducing for a trial period, a new walk, 'A Stroll With Poles', for those returning to exercise for the first time, having learnt to Nordic Walk previously or with us. One of our four,...

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Mischief in Coddenham

It’s sad to report some foolish vandalism on our Recreation and Football field over the weekend. Diligent residents reported the theft of goal net fixtures and a broken window, with attempted entry...

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Coddenham On Air Again

Local scientist, nordic walker and now writer of a new novel, will be featured on BBC Radio Suffolk's Lesley Dolphin Show Wednesday 23rd between 3.30 & 4pm. See the previous post on Tom's latest...

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Local Resident Publishes a New Book!

Well known Coddenham resident Tom Boles has discovered more supernovae than any other person in history. Tom is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society and a past President of The British...

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Thanks for Brunch!

Many thanks to everyone who supported and volunteered help behind the scenes last Sunday, for our successful first outdoor SUNDAY BRUNCH @the Coddenham Centre, We took over £400 and above all, were...

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