Dr Anne Folan spoke recently to Coddenham Village History Club about the problems of installing an efficient sewage system in nineteenth century Ipswich. First was cost; second was outflow. One...
News & Information
From Coddenham-Parish.uk
Archive/Category: Andrew Macpherson
Food Waste Action Week!
This week is Food Waste Action Week! The Suffolk Food Partnerships' Food Waste subgroup have created a short survey for Suffolk residents to support WRAP’s Choose What You’ll Use campaign. They'd...
Have You Read the News?
The Coddenham Community Response Group produce a community newsletter, from time to time. Download the latest edition in PDF format here And see this and previous editions in the downloads section...
Return of the Coddenham Antiques Fair
This Sunday 16th March from 9am! Even more stalls and great refreshments, cooked in Coddenham. Admission only £2.00. Please go to The Coddenham Centre
Grilling This Week!
Check out our latest Food Truck @ the Coddenham Centre. GO HERE for Menus & Information
Next Coddenham Village History Club Talk!
DID THE SEWERS SAVE LIVES? Public Health in Ipswich 1851 to 1911 Haysel House 18th March 7.30pm Go Here for details of our latest talk.
Reduce,Reuse,Recycle, Result!
Our first collection of the year. It resulted in a literal van-full of items for the Stowmarket waste site, a significant number of wine corks destined for Majestic and a car-load of tools,...
The Coddenham Centre Questionnaire 2025
We are asking the questions! Follow the links, to help us determine future developments for the Coddenham Centre and its grounds. PLUS, there are prizes! CLICK HERE to learn more.
Three R’s Recycling Event
This Saturday March 8th, another opportunity to REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE! Theme - Spring Cleaning & Decluttering. Bring your recycling Click Here for List , pick up advice and enjoy our...
Summer Charity Ball
This Year's Ball is on Saturday, 28th June 2025 at The Coddenham Centre In aid of East Anglia’s Children’s Hospice (EACH) Last year (2024) we raised £1,400 Only one table remaining (seating 10...
The Coddenham Quiz is Back!
March 1st saw a hugely successful return one of Coddenham's hotly contested events... For more about a great night GO HERE
More Trees for Coddenham
Check out the Coddenham Centre for latest, plus elsewhere in the Parish, in pursuit of the Greenest County! Go Here for news on how CODDENHAM CARES! NEXT Broom Hill Working Party 27th February Go...
Coddenham Cares! Upcoming and Current Environmental Help
The next Working Parties on Broom Hill are scheduled for the 22nd & 27th February, 9.30 - 12pm. All welcome! Refreshments courtesy of Coddenham Parish Council volunteers. Bring gardening tools...
Pip Wright Returns to the History Club this Month
Popular speaker Pip Wright is guest at the next Coddenham Village History Club meeting on the 18th February. Details of the new talk at the Coddenham History Club talk on old Newspapers are linked...
Local District Councillors Announce Changes.
Local District Councillor and Coddenham resident John Whitehead, along with colleagues recently announced changes, in light of government devolution plans. FULL PRESS RELEASE HERE The views...
Another Fantastic Community Lunch!
Congratulations Julie, Jackie & team, Gail, Diane, Sue, Tracey, Jane (x2) and Nick, plus all our guests for sharing another fabulous community lunch at the Coddenham Centre today! Delicious...
More for All at the Coddenham Centre in 2025!
Some of your Coddenham Centre events to start off the New Year. Go Here for Details!
Insulation for Suffolk Residents – Up to £200 off
Limited Time Offer: Transform your home with eco-friendly insulation to make your home warmer and save on energy costs! The Suffolk Climate Change Partnership has partnered with High Loft to help...
Devolution News
Suffolk has applied to be amongst the first for devolution under the government's new proposals. Here is a statement from Suffolk County Council. Whatever the outcome, it is clear there will be even...
Holiday Opening Hours at your Coddenham Centre
Some of our weekly activities will be closed over the holiday. Please go to the Coddenham Centre website, for details HERE Happy Holidays Everyone!
Join our SOUP SOCIALS monthly at the Coddenham Centre
Part of our ' COOKED IN CODDENHAM' project, alongside COMMUNITY LUNCHES, join us every month for a SOUP SOCIAL... All the details here..
CHRISTMAS is Coming to the Coddenham Centre – Update!
Our Indoor Christmas Market will be here on the 1st December! All the details be found HERE STOP PRESS The Cambridge Biryani Company will be serving a special menu from our ‘ Cooked in Coddenham’...
Proposed New Quarry – Witnesham
Coddenham Parish Council are actively monitoring the proposed development of a new quarry near Witnesham, which may impact Coddenham Parish. The matter was discussed with resident representation, at...
Get a free/low cost energy efficiency assessment for your home worth £250+
Heating our homes can be costly, both financially and environmentally. The less efficient at retaining heat a property is, the more energy is needed to bring it to a comfortable temperature and keep...
CCRG – Member Profiles – The Latest.
From time to time, we feature profiles of the members of the Coddenham Community Response Group. The latest is Coddenham's oldest charity, the Gardemau Charities. Chair David McDonnell &...
Coddenham’s Own Antique Fair – A Great Success
Coddenham's newest event! All the latest details can be found HERE
Meditation TONIGHT
Busy Day? Relax for an hour in our NEW Meditation Class! All Details HERE Just £5 - Booking not essential!
New History Club Talk
The Coddenham History Club welcome back the always entertaining and informative CHARLIE HAYLOCK. Full Details HERE Please note this talk replaces that previously advertised.
Christmas is Coming!
Have a look at the Coddenham Centre.... HERE!
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! WELL DONE!
CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who joined in with recycling at this event. There were delicious soups, sausage rolls and cake, all cooked in Coddenham by Gail and the Coddenham Centre Team, PLUS...
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
An opportunity to declutter and improve your recycling again! Join us on Saturday the 26th October between 11am and 2pm at The Coddenham Centre for an activity and information packed day....
With FOOD. First of a NEW series of events to help Suffolk Create the Greenest County. GO HERE FOR FULL DETAILS Part of a Coddenham 3 Rs Event DETAILS HERE
More Working Party Dates
Come and help look after Coddenham's Green Spaces. All the details HERE
Next Coddenham Parish Council Meeting
Herewith the Agenda for the next meeting on the 6th November at the Coddenham Centre. Agenda - Meeting 6 November 2024 Final All welcome. Please contact the Parish Clerk if you require further...
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
An opportunity to declutter and improve your recycling again! Join us on Saturday the 26th October between 11am and 2pm at The Coddenham Centre for an activity and information packed day....
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – RE-RUN!
Saturday proved an even busier day in Coddenham! Despite worthy competing events (for the same fund-raising!), the Coddenham Centre saw a busy three hours on Saturday 23rd, with the first of the...
Housing Survey Update
A Message on Behalf of Coddenham Parish Council. To date 82 responses to the survey have been received from households, representing 30% of the parish. If you haven’t responded and would like to...
Have Your Say! Suffolk Rural Transport Survey
Public Transport is important to our Community. To those without their own resources, our fragile services are often critical for their wellbeing. Please complete the survey Whatever your...
PSSSST – Want to Share Some Music & Laughter This Saturday?
Something for everyone at the Coddenham Centre Next Weekend.. Dancers, sitters, chatters, friends, accompanied kids go free JOIN US! ALL THE DETAILS HERE
NEW Community Lunch, a Huge Success!
Over forty diners sat down to an excellent three course lunch on Friday 11th and enjoyed good food and good company with the help of volunteers, led by Centre Manager Gail Springett & Parish...
Coddenham History Club Talk – This Week!
Another fascinating talk from the History Club, this time by CHRIS BRIGHTEN. The crash of the RS101 and how it affected two Suffolk families. Free to members, non members £3, all welcome, Full...
Weekday Yoga Returns to the Coddenham Centre
TRY our latest class on Thursdays! All the Details are Here
NEW – Housing Survey – Have your Say LAST CALL
Message from the Parish Council - Please complete the Housing Survey! All households should have received a copy of a parish-wide Housing Survey. We ask that forms are returned by Friday 18th...
NEW – Cooked in Coddenham – Community Dining for the Winter Months Starts this FRIDAY!
A programme of Community Lunches & Soups in the Winter months, all cooked at the Coddenham Centre using, fresh, local ingredients in environmentally friendly surroundings, Everyone welcome!...
Footpath – Temporary Closure
The footpath from the car park to opposite the recreation ground gate, will be closed for essential repairs on Thursday 3rd October. Please cross at Mary Day Close and use the Recreation Ground. Our...
All Happening at the Coddenham Centre this Month!
Lots of NEW activities and things to try, including some for FREE. GO HERE for the latest news!
SAVE THE DATE – Coddenham Fete 2025 is set for 13th July!
As a first-time organiser, I’m looking for more enthusiastic volunteers to help make next year’s fete a fantastic event. Whether you'd like to join the planning team, have helpful contacts, or can...
Thankyou Litter Pickers!
Thankyou, (young & older) who joined in the weekend's community Litter Pick! Twenty-four bags collected in total, eighteen of which came from the B1078 stretch between the bridge and A140...
LAST CALL – For a MOVIE NIGHT with Fish & Chips & Music
Join us for Fish & Chips and a showing of 'FISHERMANS FRIEND', an uplifting film for all. PLUS , the debut of 'SHIPS RATIONS' a new local shanty band curated by Jim Hawkins. Saturday 21st...
Be In It to Bin It!
Our next Community Litter Pick is scheduled for 21st September 10am - 12pm Supported by Coddenham Parish Council and the Coddenham Centre with the help of the Coddenham Community Response Group, do...
Shrublands & the Middletons – A New Talk
Your Next History Club Talk "Shrublands & the Middletons" by Victoria Clark 7.30pm Tuesday 17th September Haysel House, Mary Day Close, Coddenham Members Free : Guest £3.00 Includes...
More Volunteers Needed!
Following our recent Working Party at the Coddenham Centre, we are appealing for more help! Please GO HERE for the latest You can also check for latest volunteer opportunities on the community home...
Ten Village News Coordinator Required
A reminder that a local co-ordinator is required for the Ten Village News. Monthly collection from a local printer (Needham), sort and distribution to six village representatives. Contact John...
Shout Out for Friends of the Coddenham Centre
Thanks all who have stepped forward for our WORKING PARTY, next Saturday 31st. More welcome! Details including FREE refreshments HERE
An Update from National Highways
A14 between junction 52 and junction 55 – maintenance. Dear Customer I am writing to update you about a change to the schedule of planned road works on the A14 between junction 52 (Claydon) and...
Free Local Traditional Music!
Stowmarket is the venue for a day of traditional music, learning and entertainment in 'Around & About' Coddenham! See the poster here!
Coddenham Open Gardens and Scarecrows 2024
What an amazing day, and the perfect way to showcase our beautiful village to our many delighted visitors. Everyone was having a great time, our Open Gardeners had worked their green fingered magic...
See What’s Coming at the Coddenham Centre!
We hope there is something for everyone in the coming months. TAKE A LOOK HERE Tickets where applicable, on sale at the Coddenham Community Shop or online with Eventbrite.
School Bus Changes – Have Your Say
Our county councillor and leader of Suffolk County Council, Cllr Matthew Hicks will attend the next meeting of Coddenham Parish Council scheduled for Monday 2nd September to take and respond to...
Coddenham Centre Volunteers – Autumn Schedule
The following are required for the Coddenham Centre's Autumn/Xmas events please: Call Gail on 07720 206532 , talk to any of the Trustees or add your name/any questions in the comment box below....
A Full Peal for St Mary’s Church This Weekend
A full peal of the bells of St Mary's Church will take place between 2 - 5pm on Sunday 11th August. its a rare occurrence, the first full peal for over four years at the church. Thankyou Bell...
Bar Staff Wanted
We are looking for Bar Staff at short notice for a wedding reception at the Coddenham Centre this Saturday 10th August please. Contact Gail, Centre Manager on 07720 206532....
Mid Suffolk Council first in country to clear the way for listed building energy upgrades
Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils will clear the way for thousands of listed building owners to make sensitive energy efficiency upgrades – in a new approach which is the first of its kind...
A Busy Day in Coddenham…
Tuesday was a typically busy day in Coddenham, one that Suffolk County Council environmentally celebrates as #CharterTuesday. Go here to find out what was happening!
Our nearest neighbour, Hemingstone is opening its archives on SEPTEMBER 14th between 11am - 4pm at the Hemingstone Hut. Come & search registers, census, local books and photo boards. ALSO...
Friends & Family Games Evening at the Coddenham Centre!
Join us for a FREE Games Evening on 26th July 5pm – 10pm. With: DOLLY’S PIZZA VAN 5- 8pm (Preorders welcome) POP UP BAR – Wines, Beer inc Victoria Bitter, Soft drinks GAMES – Table Football, Bar...
This morning’s traffic is lighter than normal for a Monday, was the repeated message on the radio as I made my way along the A14. It was the morning after England had faced Spain in Berlin. The...
June Summer Charity Ball Success
Over 100 guests recently had a fabulous and fun evening at the Coddenham Centre dancing the night away to local band “Are We There Yet”. Most importantly the event raised a massive £1,400 for East...
Suffolk Business’s Celebrate at the Coddenham Centre
For all the details of Coddenham in the news again... Click the link here for the full press release!
Borrow our Flower Garden
We'd welcome a volunteer gardener(s) for the entrance beds to the Coddenham Centre. We've received the generosity of individuals and occasional working parties in the past, but we really could do...
Carbon Charter Summit Comes to Coddenham
Thursday 11th July 2024: This year will see the first Suffolk County Council's Carbon Charter Summer event to be co-hosted by the Coddenham Centre. While a commercially focussed event, it's another...
THANKYOU CODDENHAM & VOLUNTEERS FOR YOUR SUPPORT THIS WEEKEND! Enjoy a SATURDAY Brunch at the Coddenham Centre, Declutter, Recycle and Grab a Bargain... All the Details Here Included Updated...
The Witchfinder General – A New Talk at the Coddenham Village History Club
Mathew Hopkins - A talk by Robert Halliday June 18th 7.30pm - Haysel House - Members Free - Non Members £3 All welcome! Witchfinder General poster
Just An Hour (or Less) of your Time Please!
There are a wide choice of challenges running (even an Award Winning) Community Centre. Tomorrow (Sunday 2nd June) from noon, we need to sweep the car park marking lines, in readiness for...
There is a Free Brunch!
We need one or two volunteers to share tea and coffee serving duties at our next BRUNCH on the 15th June between 11am and 1pm please. No training required and we'll throw in a free Brunch for your...
Everybody’s Talking, Nordic Walking – New Course
Heard the latest BBC programme on Nordic Walking? Go to The Coddenham Centre for full details and information on our NEW COURSE. All welcome. Plus links to the 15 minute 'Just One Thing' programme...
We’ll Done Coddenham – Gold Carbon Charter Award to the Coddenham Centre.
The Coddenham Centre has secured its latest Award, this time for its Environmental Accreditation. . It has secured the Gold Carbon Charter Award awarded by Suffolk County Council's Environment...
Witchfinders in Coddenham
Despite the greater notoriety of Matthew Hopkins (recent History Club talk), it is worth noting that John Stearne (1610-1670) was in fact his senior by birth and in authority in the infamous East...
CODDENHAM OPEN GARDENS AND SCARECROWS Sunday 30th June 2024 11.00am to 4.30pm Adults £5.00 children under 16 free NB Cash Only Many hidden gardens to visit in our beautiful village plus the...
Retreat East Helps Sponsor your Community Website!
We are delighted to welcome RETREAT EAST as a contributing sponsor to this website. Just a 15 minute stroll or a few minutes by bike or car, from Coddenham, its luxurious facilities are open to all....
The Magic of the Northern Lights – A Coddenham History Club Talk by Tom Boles
STOP PRESS - High likelihood of Northern Lights sighting the 10th May. From dusk with strongest sighting at 2am, weather permitting. Further possibilities over weekend. Come along to the Coddenham...
Annual Parish Meeting – Join Us for News, Discussion & Refreshments.
Residents of Coddenham! Take the opportunity to hear about what’s happening in Coddenham, including a Coddenham Community Plan update. Ask questions, make your views known at the Annual Parish...
Trustees Needed
We are always on the lookout for new Trustees. David Wythe has just completed two year contribution, so we are even more on the lookout! You don’t necessarily need experience, but a passion for...
Around & About – Hemmingstone Village Fete
Visit our neighbours on Saturday 1st June 12pm - 4pm for the Hemingstone Village Fete! Lots to do and see plus the popular DOG-SHOW. More details on the poster HERE
Be In It to Bin It – Parish Litterpick
Join the community litter pick starting from the Coddenham Centre this Saturday 13th April, 10am -12pm (or when you can) - Refreshments plus a free mini- egg for kids More Details Here
The Butcher of Coddenham – More History
This Coddenham History Club article continues to attract comment more than three years since its first publication. Read the latest contribution and further information in the new comment HERE
Idling Engines and Devolution
Two items of particular interest to Coddenham are referenced in last month’s report by Matthew Hicks, leader of Suffolk County Council and Councillor for the Thredling Division, of which Coddenham...
The Real Basil Brown – Coddenham Village History Club
Our next History Club talk is on the 16th April at 7.30pm. All welcome. Non members can pay on the door. Poster here
Easter Holiday Brunch!
Join us for our delicious Brunch, FREE mini egg or fruit for children under 12, plus entertainment. GO HERE FOR ALL THE DETAILS! NEW - now includes FREE Tennis Taster Inc. Pickleball! Go to...
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
An opportunity to declutter and improve recycling. Join us on Saturday the 23rd March between 11am and 2pm at The Coddenham Centre for an activity and information packed day. Light lunches of Soup,...
Saturday Night is Quiz Night!
Join Coddenham Athletic Football Club for a Quiz Night at the Coddenham Centre. Saturday 2nd March 7.30pm start. Tickets £5 on the door. All Welcome!
Get your ‘glad rags’ on – party and dance the evening away with friends!
Just two tables left for sale at this year’s Summer Charity Ball - the Coddenham Centre - 28th June - 6.30pm - Midnight. Tables (fully laid) seating 10 guests are currently available @ £230 per...
Living Well in Winter! THANKYOU
Thankyou to all our volunteers who supported this weekly event throughout the winter. Thanks too to Gail and others for delicious soups and to all who came along & donated to local food banks!...
Mumbai Comes to Coddenham
Well.. a little bit. THANKYOU everyone who got along to the Curry and Movie night at the Coddenham Centre on Saturday. Over eighty people had a great night out and it was great to see visitors from...
February Half Term Activities
Activities are available during the February half term across Babergh and Mid Suffolk For children who are eligible for benefit related free school meals or have an identified need. GO HERE FOR ALL...
Broom Hill Volunteer Work Morning
Join our friendly working party, all are welcome. Help care for our green spaces - bring gloves, tools and suitable clothing if weather uncertain! No power tools please. Saturday 17th February...
A LOCAL FLOOD ALERT has been issued by the Environment Agency.
Flood Alert in force: The River Gipping, from downstream of Needham Market, to upstream of London Road Bridge, Ipswich. Flooding is possible for: The River Gipping from downstream of Needham Market...
Heating the Planet not your Home?
Coddenham has another opportunity to check its homes for heat loss, using Infra-Red cameras sponsored by Suffolk County Council. This time we have a dedicated representative, who will point you to...
NEW Yoga starts at the Coddenham Centre this Weekend!
UPDATE - FIRST EVENT - FULL HOUSE - THANKS FOR THE IMPRESSIVE SUPPORT CODDENHAM - CONTINUES EVERY SATURDAY. A word from our newest activity for 2024. Hi, my name is Jo and I’d like to welcome you to...
Authentic Cuisine & an Award Winning Movie? LAST CALL FOR TICKETS
HURRY - Tickets sales ends Thursday Feb 7th! Join us for a fabulous Indian themed evening at the CODDENHAM CENTRE, with great cuisine from our client, SUFFOLK SPICE FUSION. PLUS a showing of the...
Cool(er) News for the Planet from the Coddenham Centre
Where’s the Carbon gone….? GO HERE to find out more from your Coddenham Centre!
Allotment News!
Water at Coddenham’s Allotments Following regular requests from allotment holders, water is now on tap at Coddenham’s allotments. With materials bought using monies from the allotment reserves, Cllr...
Financial Hardship – A Message from your Parish Council
If you are experiencing Financial Hardship, or you know of someone who is, support can be found locally through the organisations listed below. Invariably the sooner help is sought the more options...
Volunteer Bar Staff Required Please
We are always on the look out for bar staff to help out at our events. Occasionally, we are in a position to pay a minimum hourly wage but most of our bookings are charitable events. Attend dance...
Soup & Friendly Faces Every Friday – FREE!
Please pop along to the Coddenham Centre every* Friday between 12.30 and 1.30pm - we’d love to see you! MORE DETAILS HERE! *January - February
A Happy New Year from the Coddenham Country Club
Happy New Year from Coddenham Country Club! We hope you are well and had a good Christmas. Thank you for your continued support. We have a number of events and dates for your diary. Please see...
New Consultation for Listed Homes and Heat Pumps
HMG have launched a new consultation, All Information HERE
WELCOME the New Year in @the Coddenham Centre with our ever popular SUNDAY BRUNCH. BREAKFAST Baps with vegetarian option, Smoked Salmon/ Cream Cheese, Bucks Fizz, Beers, filter coffee, tea and...
NEW – Latest Report from Your Local District Councillors
Courtesy of your local district councillors, Dave Penny and John Whitehead, please find their latest report to the Coddenham Parish Council and residents. Do comment and/or share. Parish Council...
THANKYOU EVERYONE! Nearly eighty people throughout the morning, huge fun with the help of the SHOTLEY WAILERS, our volunteers, residents and visitors. NEXT BRUNCH 7th APRIL. A HAPPY NEW YEAR!...
Local Flood Alert
Please note the following flood alert for the Coddenham area. HERE Please travel carefully!
Merry Christmas from All at The Coddenham Centre
Exclusive Use of Coddenham Centre Space – Return of an Offer!
Use our spacious hall for games of Badminton or Short Tennis (we'll show you), plus use of our Table Tennis Table, for just £15 for three hours of exclusive use. Any number subject to available...
Suffolk Recycles!
A New Update on Recycling at Christmas (or any time)! Go here ( plus don’t forget to recycle those Christmas Trees at the Coddenham Centre). SUFFOLK RECYCLES Also you can check out Mid Suffolk...
Kids Holiday Fun in Suffolk
Check out this special holiday offer for kids in Suffolk! DETAILS ALL HERE!
CHRISTMAS DISCO PARTY @the Coddenham Centre
UPDATE: It is with regret, this event has been cancelled. All ticket holders will receive a full refund. We apologise for any inconvenience and look forward to seeing you in the New Year. Join us...
Fancy a Pizza tonight?
If you enjoyed one of Polly’s Pizzas at our Christmas Market last Sunday, you can enjoy them again at the Coddenham Centre tonight! PLUS you can enjoy again on Saturday 16th December when they will...
Would You Know How to Save Someone’s Life?
Coddenham is fortunate to have 2 publicly accessible defibrillator machines. If you were the only person available to provide assistance, would you know what to do? Thanks to the generosity of SARS...
Recycling Website Back Up
Want to know what and where you can recycle? Mid Suffolk District Council have restored their website of guidelines and advice, HERE
FREE Home Energy Audits
Do you want to improve your home and reduce energy bills? Are you considering renewable energy installations, heat pumps, insulation, glazing, heating controls or other changes? Groundwork East on...
Living Well in Winter – Help Needed
Can you spare a couple of hours on Fridays in January & February 2024? We are relaunching our WARM ROOMS initiative with Mid Suffolk District Council from 12.30 - 2pm every Friday in the New...
Christmas Quiz Night at the Country Club
Come and join our Christmas Quiz on the 23rd December from 7.45pm!
Pink Party at the Coddenham Country Club
In Aid of Breast Cancer Care - Saturday November 25th 3pm until late.
NEW Weekend Pilates at the Coddenham Centre!
We welcome LINDA GOODCHILD of ALLBODIES to our PILATES classes at The Coddenham Centre. A weekend option now available alongside Tuesday & Wednesday Please click here for full details!
1000 Nuggets of News!
The Coddenham Parish Community Website has hit its 1000th post! Created on the eve of the first COVID19 lockdown as a platform for support and engagement across the community and beyond, it has...
Coddenham in the News Again!
Impressive footage from the BBC News by Suffolk Drone Services. Not so impressive for some of our residents! GO HERE
A New Appointment at The Coddenham Centre
We have a NEW member of the Team! Just CLICK Here for All the Details!
Storm Ciaran – An Update from Suffolk County Council
Storm Ciaran - Preparations A new storm is set to bring a period of wet and windy weather to Suffolk overnight Wednesday 1st November and throughout Thursday 2nd November 2023. Weather warnings Get...
Bar Staff Needed for Our Christmas Disco Party!
Over eighteens for an hour or two please to help run the bar for Coddenham's (and beyond) Christmas Disco Saturday 16th December 7.30pm - 11pm Free ticket for all volunteers. (subject to...
Storm Babet – Information from Suffolk County Council
Matt Hullis, Head of Environment Strategy at Suffolk County Council, has asked through Coddenham Parish Council, for the following to be shared. Following Storm Babet we are writing to you in order...
Halloween Quiz at the Country Club
Come along on Saturday 28th for our Quiz Night - Register 7.45 for 8pm - Tickets £1.50 at the bar plus Pizzas from 6pm - 8pm. All welcome!
Ready for some Traditional *Dance (and some great music)? GOES AHEAD TONIGHT
After consultation with the TEN VILLAGE BAND, Centre Trustees, team and others, tonight’s event will continue. Flood waters in surrounding areas are receding and all major routes will be open during...
The U.K. Environment Agency issued a flood alert for Coddenham and some surrounding areas at 13.14hrs Friday 20th October. A major incident was declared by Suffolk County Council. Floodwaters are...
Duke’s Head – Further Planning Application
The parish council has been notified that a further application has been made for planning consent and listed building consent for the former Duke’s Head in relation to the proposed entrance to the...
Coddenham in the News
CODDENHAM has been listed in the East Anglian Daily Times as one of the five most picturesque villages to visit in Suffolk. Alongside some of the biggest tourist destinations in the County such as...
Are You Composting to the Max?
With Autumn leaves falling, are you directing all that goodness back to the earth or just see it as a nuisance!? Whatever your size of garden or just a few pots, are you turning your organic rubbish...
Green Spaces & Footpath Working Group – Coddenham Community Plan
This Group first met on the 30th August and continues to make progress. Please contact the listed member if you have comments or wish to contribute. Meeting Minutes are HERE
SHARE your Views with Your District Council, NOW!
Babergh and Mid-Suffolk District Council’s have set out their initial vision and priorities for the next four years. They are now looking for communities to tell them what they think, prior to...
NEW Pizza Offer in Coddenham
We now welcome Dolly’s Pizza to the Coddenham Centre carpark, the first Thursday of every month 4.30pm - 7.30pm Two Rockbox pizza ovens will be turning out some delicious toppings for just £7.00...
Community Energy Diary
Some upcoming meeting dates for the Energy Conservation & Recycling work stream. While by invitation only, if you have an interest in this important part of the Coddenham Community Plan (or any...
Hub/Pub Workstream – Coddenham Community Plan
The inaugural meeting of the work stream addressing community concerns over the loss of the traditional hub of a local pub, was held on the 5th September 2023. Representatives from Coddenham hubs,...
Coddenham Wins the Suffolk Community Awards Again!
The Suffolk Community Awards were announced last week and once again, CODDENHAM, received the award for the 'The Most Active Village'. The award made by Community Action Suffolk, Suffolk County...
Thankyou Wombles & Gardeners!
Glorious weather accompanied an extended Saturday morning of Parish litter picking and Coddenham Centre gardening. Thankyou everyone who joined in and contributed in any way. Reassuringly, rubbish...
Community Litter Pick
Our next Community Litter Pick takes place on Saturday 23rd September between 10am - 12noon. Organised by the Coddenham Parish Council in conjunction with The Coddenham Centre, pickers and high...
Outdoor Working Party Help Needed – (did we mention the free drink)?
A wet summer has meant some parts of our Coddenham Centre estates have run away a bit earlier than usual. We need some help from noon on Saturday 23rd September, immediately following the COMMUNITY...
Get Fit for Winter – Autumn’s Nordic Walks – With Us – Near You!
The latest news from The Suffolk School of Nordic Walking. GO HERE for the NEW season's walks and information!
Extra-Ordinary Parish Council Meeting
An Extra-Ordinary Parish Council Meeting will be held on 4th October 2023 at 6pm at The Coddenham Centre, to consider a number of planning applications, including the latest proposals for premises...
Ten Village News Coddenham Needs Your Help!
The popular Ten Village News needs help in co-ordinating the Coddenham related regular items and contributions. Colin Hardy will be departing temporarily 'down under' next month and the magazine...
Psst…..WIN @ The Coddenham Centre!
There's an opportunity to WIN one of three great prizes by simply providing some feedback to your Coddenham Centre. And guess what, the deadline has been extended, but do be quick, there are not...
Love to Move – Seated Exercise Programme UPDATED @ The Coddenham Centre
Love to Move? A Fun, Age Friendly, Seated Movement Programme to Music. Physical, emotional and cognitive benefits designed to get you moving more and having fun. NOW EVERY THURSDAY 2pm - 4pm FREE...
NEW – CCRG Member Feature
Simon Pott, Chairman of the DAY FOUNDATION provides an overview of this important Coddenham based charity. Read the latest in the Coddenham Community Response Group member overview HERE ...
Community Shop Volunteers Always Wanted
Opportunities both front and back 'of house' are available. Be part of this vibrant heart of the community, with flexible hours, all contributions are welcome. Go HEREf or more information, contact...
Pubs & Hubs
The Pub & Hubs Working Group met on the 5th September to discuss this important facet of the Coddenham Community Plan. Representation was from the community's key hubs, The Coddenham Centre, the...
Parish Clerk Opportunity
As Coddenham residents may already be aware, the Clerk to the Parish Council has resigned to take up a similar position nearer her home. Her final day will be 13th October. In replacement,...
Bar Staff Needed
We need volunteers to help run the bar at our CEILIDH @ The Coddenham Centre on October 21st 7pm to 11 pm approx, all or or part, minimum 90 minutes please. Wines, beers, soft drinks, simple...
Coddenham Country Club Opening Hours – This Week
Please note the Country Club has adjusted hours this week Thursday 6pm- 9pm Friday 6pm - 11pm Saturday extended opening hours 3pm - 11pm including showing of England football at 5pm and Rugby at 8pm...
Bit of A Puzzle!?
On behalf of The Coddenham Centre and Community Response Group another THANK-YOU to everyone who came along to the Coddenham Picnic. Thanks also to all the volunteers, entertainers and team members...
Picnic Time!
There is no fete this year, so all the Coddenham organisations have got together with the Coddenham Centre to invite everyone, far and wide to a PICNIC on the 2nd September from 12 - 4pm. There will...
Green Spaces & Footpaths Working Group – Inaugural Meeting.
It seems very appropriate with making Suffolk 'the greenest county', that the Green Spaces Working Group, would be the first to meet to action the Coddenham Community Plan. In support of The...
Country Club Beer Festival Bank Holiday Weekend
Join us for a selection of local and popular beers and ales shall be available alongside of all the usual tipples! Opening hours shall be: Thursday 24th 6pm- 9pm Friday 25th 6pm - 11pm Saturday 26th...
The Coddenham Parish Community Plan – A Thankyou and an Update
A huge thank you to residents who have 'answered the call' expressing an interest in joining or contributing to one of the Plan Working Groups in the Coddenham Parish Community Plan If you haven’t...
From the Rectory – Create and Let Go
As recent visitors to the Rectory have noticed, I have taken up model building. As any modeller will testify, there is something satisfying about recreating worlds in miniature. I have spent many...
Suffolk Accident Rescue Service Say Thankyou!
The appreciable sum of £1,282 was raised for the Suffolk Accident Rescue Service (SARS) by hosts and guests attending the recent Summer Charity Ball, held at The Coddenham Centre on Friday, 7th July...
A Big Thankyou!
A great big THANKYOU to all those involved in celebrating 100 years of Gudgin's Shop. Grandad Albert and Milly, plus Joan and Dudley would have been proud! Bristol Fashion, the Coddenham Ukulele...
Sizewell C – An Update
Coddenham Parish Council hosted Michelle Emmerson-Grey, a Coddenham resident, and Zoe Botten from the Sizewell C Project Community Relations team on 25 July at The Coddenham Centre, to which all...
What a Centenary – Coddenham Celebrates its Village Shop!
This weekend over over 250 people in Coddenham celebrated the 100th Anniversary of Gudgin's Stores Third generation owners, Roy & Ann Gudgin generously hosted a community tea party for all, at...
Coddenham and Sizewell
Coddenham Parish Council has organised a project update presentation by the Sizewell C team starting at 7pm on Tuesday, 25th July at the Coddenham Centre. It is an opportunity for residents and...
Thankyou for the support!
Thanks everyone including stallholders, who supported and participated in our Summer mini Market and Brunch last Sunday! Thanks too our ‘ Friends of TCC’ who volunteered throughout Next event our...
More Markets at the Coddenham Centre!
Both our SUMMER and XMAS MARKETS are now scheduled. GO HERE for details how you can EAT, DRINK & SHOP at your CODDENHAM CENTRE. STALL HOLDERS ARE INVITED!
They Had a Ball!
Some great fund raising for charity earlier this month at The Coddenham Centre. Click on the link to learn more! Great to see our community all pulling together, as only Coddenham can....
Bring out your inner Darcy Bussell….
Silver Swans comes to Coddenham A weekly ballet class for adults is now taking place at the Coddenham Centre on Monday mornings from 10am – 11am. Silver Swans ballet classes are specifically...
FREE Taster – Walking Tennis – Tomorrow at The Coddenham Centre
Drop in to The Coddenham Centre at 10.30am tomorrow Thursday 29th June and try Walking Tennis! All welcome and its FREE
Dunwich Dynamo Bike Ride
The annual night ride takes place this Saturday 1st July from London to Dunwich, passing through Coddenham and 'refuelling' at nearby Gosbeck Village Hall. All proceeds go to charity and supporting...
Shape The Future – The Coddenham Parish Community Plan
The Coddenham Parish Community Plan 2023-2030 This page is where you'll find; A Summary of the 2023 Parish Community Plan for Coddenham. The text immediately follows and is available in printed...
NEW Beginners Nordic Walking Course!
Access this easy way to optimally exercise with the Suffolk School of Nordic Walking @The Coddenham Centre. We have a limited number pf places on our next c Get Nordic Walking course, which will...
TONIGHT – Coddenham Athletic Celebrate the End of Season
GO HERE for More Details.
From the Rectory – Each Heard them Speaking in His Native Tongue
The crowd gathered and were bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in the native language of each (Acts 2: 6) It must have been an amazing experience. Several years ago, we worshipped in...
Annual Parish Meeting Update
A small number of people including leading supporters of the community, joined this year's Annual Parish Meeting, to hear reports from all Parish organisations and our newly elected District...
Annual Parish Meeting – This Year with a Difference
So what's different? Alongside updates from Local Organisations, Regional & Local Councillors, this year we'll be reporting the next steps in the CODDENHAM COMMUNITY PLAN. This is thinking based...
Invitation to Attend a Focus Group (with a bit of lunch)!
An Invitation to Attend a Focus Group Discussion about Potential New Sports Activities in the Coddenham Centre As a resident of Coddenham or someone who attends activities at the Coddenham Centre...
Exciting News From Coddenham Athletic Football Club
A double triumph for the team that only returned to the pitch this season, after a year lay-off. Go Here for Full Details
Welcome the Line Up of your New Parish Council
In our latest CCRG member feature, the new Coddenham Parish Council introduce their new members. Go to to the member feature banner on this Home Page or just - CLICK HERE! Welcome!
Tennis School Update from The Coddenham Centre
Coddenham's newly launched Tennis School continues to grow following the recent Taster Sessions and demonstrations by trainer, Carl Douglas. There is now a full programme of training including the...
The Suffolk School of Nordic Walking @The Coddenham Centre are in Sunny Spain!
It may be wet here, but some of our (nordic walking) community are in sunny Cadiz! Click on this link to The Coddenham Centre, for details!
Are You Ready?
Thanks al those who have assisted with preparation and delivery of the CORONATION BRUNCH & entertainment this Sunday 7th May between 10.30 and 2pm at The Coddenham Centre. We have some great...
Celebrate the Coronation Weekend!
On Sunday 7th May, the Coddenham Community Response Group welcome you to a CORONATION BRUNCH at the THE CODDENHAM CENTRE from 10.30am - 2pm Join us for great, reasonably priced food (including...
Bring Out your Bunting – Coddenham Prepares for the Coronation
Thanks to the Working Party of volunteers that turned out on Saturday morning for the annual mulching of borders at the Coddenham Centre. Thanks to to Eastwood Trees Services for kindly donating...
Ready for some (Free) Ploughman’s Chatter…?
Don’t forget this FRIDAY 28th APRIL, The Coddenham Centre are inviting you to drop in for a free PLOUGHMAN’s LUNCH between 12.30 and 2pm, (or until supplies run out). It’s part of Coddenham’s...
From the Rectory – A Stranger
Jesus came near and went with them, but their eyes were kept from recognising him It was the first day of the week and two pilgrims were returning home to Emmaus. They had been to Jerusalem to...
Coddenham bees are already busy making this year’s honey!
Come meet Nick Griffith Apiarist at The Coddenham Centre MARKET BRUNCH on Sunday 23rd April 10am - 2pm. PLUS, a range of stalls indoors and outdoors, excellent food, entertainment and free...
The Coddenham Centre Welcomes the Market Brunch!
An exciting new event at your Coddenham Centre, coming soon. Click Here for More Details
Temporary Change to Community Shop Opening Hours Wednesday 29th March
Unfortunately, due to staff illness the Community Shop will close at 2.30pm on Wednesday 29th March. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Record Rubbish Pick!
Perhaps garbage isn't cause for celebration, but the record turn out for our litter pick last weekend, certainly was. Thank you to everyone who turned out and collected 23 bags of rubbish (15 from...
Lots Happening at The Coddenham Centre!
LATEST NEWS Our free fish & chips (thankyou Suffolk Community Foundation & EoE Co-Op) will have been allocated this week, (if enjoying, please donate to our food bank collection), but there...
Stuck for a Mothers Day Gift (or any Gift)?
See what The Coddenham Centre has to offer.... HERE
Rubbish? Join us for a Community Litter Pick.
Our volunteers keep it clean! Join us between 10am & 12pm on Saturday the 18th March at The Coddenham Centre for one of our regular litter picks. Equipment provided, bring protective gloves and...
Play a Part in Your Parish – Get Elected!
An often repeated observation during 2022, was that 'Coddenham punches above its weight'. A visit by a representative from Mid Suffolk District Council observed only last week, 'I looked at the...
Need to Get Fit for 2023?
There is a new class at The Coddenham Centre you need to book, whatever condition you are in! The rest is right on your doorstep..... GO HERE to find all the details
The Coddenham Community Supporting a Badminton Journey!
See how the Coddenham Community is welcoming a young champion...
Earthquake Disaster. UPDATE
Various local organisations and residents are initiating fund and resource collections to aid the recent earthquake disasters in Turkey and Syria. This Friday’s free ‘Soup @the Centre’ at The...