News & Information


Andrew Macpherson

Fancy a Pizza tonight?

If you enjoyed one of Polly’s Pizzas at our Christmas Market last Sunday, you can enjoy them again at the Coddenham Centre tonight! PLUS you can enjoy again on Saturday 16th December when they will...

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Bar Staff Needed

We need volunteers to help run the bar at our CEILIDH @ The Coddenham Centre on October 21st 7pm to 11 pm approx, all or or part, minimum 90 minutes please. Wines, beers, soft drinks, simple...

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Picnic Time!

There is no fete this year, so all the Coddenham organisations have got together with the Coddenham Centre to invite everyone, far and wide to a PICNIC on the 2nd September from 12 - 4pm. There will...

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A Big Thankyou!

A great big THANKYOU to all those involved in celebrating 100 years of Gudgin's Shop. Grandad Albert and Milly, plus Joan and Dudley would have been proud! Bristol Fashion, the Coddenham Ukulele...

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Thankyou for the support!

Thanks everyone including stallholders, who supported and participated in our Summer mini Market and Brunch last Sunday! Thanks too our ‘ Friends of TCC’ who volunteered throughout Next event our...

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They Had a Ball!

Some great fund raising for charity earlier this month at The Coddenham Centre. Click on the link to learn more! Great to see our community all pulling together, as only Coddenham can....

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Dunwich Dynamo Bike Ride

The annual night ride takes place this Saturday 1st July from London to Dunwich, passing through Coddenham and 'refuelling' at nearby Gosbeck Village Hall. All proceeds go to charity and supporting...

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Are You Ready?

Thanks al those who have assisted with preparation and delivery of the CORONATION BRUNCH & entertainment this Sunday 7th May between 10.30 and 2pm at The Coddenham Centre. We have some great...

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We have a Winner!

Congratulations David Harfitt who was the lucky prize draw winner from this year's Parish Survey! He wins a hamper kindly donated by the Coddenham Community Shop. Thank you again, everyone who took...

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Last Call For Winning Ticket!

The Prize for the winning ticket 211 from the Coddenham Parish Survey has still not been claimed! This is the last call, if not claimed by noon Saturday 22nd October, we'll have to draw another for...

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Don’t Buy A 2023 Calendar…

Until you have seen the Coddenham Calendar and the winning pictures! COMING SOON to the Coddenham Community Shop. Thank you for all the contributions - winners will be formally notified by end of...

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Cheering Coddenham On!

The Coddenham Community Response Group and associates recently received the following congratulations, from Simon Pott, Chairman of the Day Foundation. Dear David, Thank you for including all the...

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Coddenham Fete 2022

`FETE 2022 Wow! What a fabulous journey that was (no – not our trip to Dover now the Fete is over!). From an almost standing start what an achievement - thanks to you all, and thanks a million times...

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St Mary’s Church

The bells of St Mary's Church, Coddenham will be rung at noon today, joining others across the country to mark the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Thank you volunteer bellringer!

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THANKYOU Volunteers!

A great week for volunteering in Coddenham. From a busy litter-pick last weekend, to a CCRG meeting (thank you hosts Retreat East), the return of Baby & Toddlers Group 7th, to busy preparations...

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Coddenham Fete Update!

Attached are the LIST OF ATTRACTIONS and details of the PRODUCE COMPETITION SCHEDULE. Don't forget to contact Alan or Jill West with offers of help, raffle and tombola donations! Click Here for the...

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