News & Information


The History Club and St Mary’s Church Now Live on Your Parish Website!

by | May 21, 2020 | Community, News

Your parish website was created as a local response to the COVID-19 emergency, but with always one eye on the future.

Designed as a communication platform for the community, driven by the community, it’s main focus remains for the foreseeable future, on support for all matters COVID.

However, in the interest of increasing service and information for all, we are starting to expand with dedicated areas for local stakeholders, starting with the Community Shop, St Mary’s Church and the History Club. There will also be information about our supporters and links to connected organisations and groups such as The Coddenham Centre, with others coming online, in the future.

This will be a gradual development and as always, we will welcome your comments and ideas as the pages progress.

Our thanks for the ongoing support of Coddenham Parish Council and the generosity of both the Day Foundation and Gardemau Trust, in supporting the new pages.

The first addition are new pages for the Community Shop which can be accessed HERE  and as of this weekend, the Coddenham History Club HERE, and  St Marys Church HERE, or by clicking on the new menu links.

1 Comment

  1. Paul T

    Great to see this website growing and something positive coming out of all this


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