I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who came to honour Greg’s memory and celebrate his life on Wednesday 9th August. I was truly touched to see so many friends from the village in the Church which was full to bursting.
If ever there was an advert for living in a small supportive community, it has been the last 3 months for me. So many people have rallied round to help, too many to name them all. However I would just like to say particular thanks to these people that helped make Greg’s funeral so special,
Helen Norris for conducting the very personal service,
Ian Galbraith at the organ,
David McDonnell for organising so much,
Steve Cole and Dave Miller for technical expertise,
Margaret Baker and Di Palmer for the beautiful flowers
Ray Collins for his car parking attendant skills
and Neil and Kirsty Scoresby who were so tolerant and kind to those attending who ended up on their drive and who abandoned their cars there.
Thank you Coddenham
Tracey Forrest