News & Information


Month: January 2021

From the Rectory

Simeon said to Mary, ‘This child is set for the fall and rising of many in Israel – and a sword will pierce your own soul too’ – Lk 2:34, 35 On the wall above my desk hangs a small picture of a...

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We regret to have to report the passing at the beginning of this year, of two distinguished Coddenham residents, past and present. Bernard Baker and Sylvia Harris were both well known figures -...

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From The Rectory – Prayer

Along with a growing number of communities across the country, we have decided to suspend all routine physical services for safety reasons. Our church buildings remain open for occasional activities...

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Darkness – From the Rectory

For unto us a child was born; in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. (John 1:4) With these words I began my Christmas reflection; closing from the same passage with: The light...

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