Thanks to all who got 1350 copies of the first Coddenham Covid19 Response Newsletter away without breaching current guidelines. Also to the Ten Village News Team for their support. If you have a...
News & Information
Archive/Category: Month: March 2020
Latest News From St Mary’s Church
The following websites have lots of useful links to live streamed services and links to other initiatives from the diocesan churches including organ recitals and school choirs singing hymns (before...
Coddenham Parish Council Update
HOME, BUT NOT ALONE Suffolk urged to rally together as new local COVID-19 app and phoneline launched to connect volunteers and people who need help Revised info 29 July 2020...
St Mary’s Church closed
Unfortunately due to the new government guidelines, St Mary’s will have to remain closed for the foreseeable future. Please be reassured that the benefice priests will continue to be available by...
Change to Community Shop Service Arrangements
Unfortunately, in the light of government advice and in order to protect both volunteers and customers, the shop committee have taken the difficult decision to move to an order only system. This is...
News from St Mary’s Church
Although the church will not be open for regular worship, St Mary’s will be open every day for anyone who would like to find a space to pray, think or just be quiet (please continue to social...
Coddenham Parish Council Update
Update 23rd March 2020 Our Parish Council is committed to supporting our community, especially during these unprecedented times, and recently approved budget to fund our response . Cllr Neil...
Palm Sunday Worship Sunday 5th April
Following a successful trial of holding a Sunday service on Zoom last Sunday, Rev. Helen Norris would like to invite anyone who would like to, to join a Palm Sunday service at 10.00am on Sunday 5th...
The Community Shop
Provisional Opening and Delivery Arrangements Unfortunately, due to reduced staff numbers, from Monday 23rd March the community shop will have to restrict opening hours and close the in-store café. ...
News – East of England Fatalities Growing Faster Than Italy
Latest report from The Health Service Journal with reference to the East of England. Follow the guidelines... Click here
Well Being and Keeping Safe
Telephone Tree As many in our community will be self-isolating it is important for their wellbeing that they do not feel forgotten. The village is setting up a Telephone Tree for anyone who would...
Latest News from the Coddenham Community Shop
Coddenham Community Shop - Week Commencing 30th March The shop is open to take your telephone orders on 01449 760313 for collection or delivery by the next working day, or earlier if possible. We...
The Day Foundation policy update
The Day Foundation Update to Policy to address the threat of Covid 19 Following the latest advice from the government regarding Covid 19 telling elderly people to self-isolate we are now moving on...
Benefice Pew Sheet Sunday 29th March and Thoughts From the Rectory
The benefice pew sheet with details of online services and Bible readings for this week can be found on the Download tab of the website. Below is Reverend Philip Payne's thought for the week based...
Join the Coddenham Village Mailing List For the Latest Parish News
The Village Email List For some considerable time, Julian Hall has provided a helpful Coddenham Village emailing list for community news and announcements. Now is the perfect time to sign up, if you...
Offer* Help With Our Download
Print off our handy form to offer your help! #ViralKindness - downloads here *Please observe advice on social distancing and movements, if distributing. Our thanks to Kelly Campbell- Staines for...
Coronavirus Myths
A Great Round of Applause from Coddenham
Bravo everyone who gave a BIG round of applause to the NHS last night!
Latest News from St Mary’s Church
John 13:34: “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.” (Words that Jesus spoke to his followers shortly before he died.)...
Coddenham Centre Recreation Ground – Coronavirus
Please recognise government guidelines when using the Coddenham Centre Recreation Ground. We regret these include not using any equipment, no matter how tempting!