News & Information


Year: 2020

Thank you Coddenham

The East of England Co Op Band and St Mary's Church would like to thank all those that supported their recent event. Band members braved the cold to play at 4 sites around the village.  Mulled wine...

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Listen – From the Rectory

Last week I reflected on the prophetic voices we hear in the Old Testament. Although we believe that many of these words were fulfilled in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, I closed with...

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Let’s Get Coddenham Singing!

Doorstep Carols Wednesday 16th December at 6pm Organised by local radio stations to raise money for local charities.  To get Coddenham singing all you have to do is tune into BBC Radio Suffolk...

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Benefice Christmas Services

Christmas @ St Mary’s Christmas Eve Thursday 24th December at 4.00pm Outdoor Service -  The Christmas Story Retold with readings and carols Around the benefice there will be a variety of services...

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Coddenham Advent Window Trail

The village advent window trail will 'go live' on Tuesday 1st December. Organised by Maria Dixon there will a new window decorated every day in the 24 days leading up to Christmas.  The trail...

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Advent Sunday

  ‘Go from your country, your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you’. (Gen 12:1) Advent, and normally our Christmas preparations are in full swing by now.  Over 2000...

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From the Rectory – Christ the King

November is drawing on, and with it the Church’s year is drawing to a close. Next week is Advent Sunday and our annual cycle begins again.  In the coming weeks our attention will be drawn to a babe...

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Christmas in Coddenham 2020

This year has been a difficult and uncertain year for us all. Christmas trees are a symbol of light, joy and hope and so we plan to erect a number of trees in the Churchyard this year so that they...

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Christingle 2020

As we are unable to hold Christingle services this year, the local churches would like to invite families to take part in a Zoom Christingle service on Sunday 29th November at 4.00pm. Christingle...

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Have Your Say – A Reminder

This website, it’s stakeholders and sponsors are all about developing communication and engagement across our Parish and beyond. You can comment on any of the News Items on this site on their...

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A Vandalism Report

Sadly, last weekend the Coddenham Centre and Recreation ground experienced a rare case of vandalism. Haysel House were also alerted to a small group causing concern in the vicinity. Picnic benches...

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Your Community Diary is Here

Adding even more to your Coddenham Parish Community Website, we now have a New Calendar for All events and reminders. Just click on your day of choice to see what’s happening or if there is a clash...

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Carpet Bowls Tuesday!

Don’t forget our Carpet Bowls Club meets every Tuesday at 2.30 pm at the Coddenham Centre. All Welcome * £2 an afternoon. First visit free. Refreshments available. Supported by Active Suffolk with...

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Joy in Sharing

How quickly things change.  This time last week I began my reflection with the words The sun is shining, the air is warm and still. Looking out of the study window this afternoon the air is, once...

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Harvest Gratitude

  The sun is shining, the air is warm and still.  It still looks like summer but the nights are drawing in and, despite the sun, there is a nip in the air.  Autumn is here. The fields around us...

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It’s Not Fair!

 IT’S NOT FAIR Last week our Gospel focussed on forgiveness, and in particular how God’s willingness to forgive us should motivate us to forgive others.  This week we move on to the wider but...

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Forgive – from the Rectory

  It has been a glorious day.  Dry, calm, quiet; just right for a good walk. So, the Rectory has been closed and Mary and I have been walking.  A change of scenery, a good pub lunch, catch up...

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One Word….

You may have noticed some small changes on the Home Page of the Coddenham Parish Community Website this month. All of the collaborating stakeholders agreed last month to change The Coddenham COVID19...

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News from St Mary’s Church

Church services and opening times. At present St Mary's has been open for private prayer every Thursday from 8.00am until 8.00pm. From next Thursday (10th September) the opening hours will change...

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Another Local Business Re-Opens

The Beauty Spot Coddenham is officially back open for business They are now able to offer all treatments on the menu. With PPE all in place the girls are excited to welcome old and new faces back in...

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Listen – From the Rectory

Listen (Isaiah 51:1-5) Before reading this, pause a moment and listen.  What can you hear: the sound of traffic, a clock marking the half-hour, a moment of silence?  Living alongside a main road it...

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Wonders of Creation

North Bosmere Benefice Service Sunday 23rd August at 10.30 am. For the whole family and your pets. To join this zoom service email  

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We help four legged residents too!

A good news story over the weekend as these pages were used to reunite, black Labrador ‘Minty’ with his owners. Thank you David for the alert ( and temporary kennels)  plus Bliss and Kelly for the...

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Community Gets Together Again!

Perfect weather, enthusiasm and support from table hirers, guests, volunteers and friends, made for a perfect morning at the Coddenham Centre’s Table Top Sale. As was pointed out, probably the first...

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Home but not alone support update

Message from Chrissie Geeson - Suffolk County Council Dear all, This email is to inform you of changes to the support offered by the Home, But Not Alone phoneline. This information will be useful to...

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Face coverings from Friday

Face coverings on! As you know, face coverings will be mandatory in shops and supermarkets in England from Friday 24th July  - which of course includes Coddenham Community Shop. Consequently, we...

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Weeds – from the Rectory

 Weeds While they were asleep, an enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat.’  (Matt 13:25) The dictionary says a weed is a wild plant growing where it’s not wanted.  On that basis weeds are not in...

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Bear With Us

With this wonderful weather, some of our surrounding grassland has been romping away, despite the efforts of volunteers and limited contractors. As you previously heard, our estates contract with...

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St Mary’s Church Reopening

St Mary’s Church Reopening Following recent changes to government guidelines the Churchwardens are delighted that St Mary’s will be able to open for private prayer every Thursday commencing on...

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From the Rectory 21 June

From the Rectory 21 June - ‘What troubles you Hagar, Do not be afraid?  (Gen 21:17) This week’s readings are troubling.  In a world of tension and fear, of exclusion and inequality we look to the...

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We Are a Hundred!

Last weekend your parish website completed 100 posts in total since the site’s creation at the end of March this year. Thank you to all contributors, people and events that have helped make the news...

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Peace – Rev. Philip Payne

From the Rectory 14 June 20 – Peace ‘Since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.’  (Rom 5:1) It’s raining.  Through the study window I see a leaden sky and...

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News – Coddenham Bridge Closure

Herewith a statement from MSDC. For your information, we are planning to carry out brickwork parapet repairs on the Three Cocked Hat Bridge on Church Road, Coddenham following impact damage in the...

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Try Something New?

Ever thought of trying the Coddenham Centre Bowling Green? Suitable for all ages, we have a full size green and a set of bowls are available, sponsored by the Day Foundation. If you’d like some...

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A New Book By Local Author

Local author, Marie-Madeleine Kenning, writes: A book described as a memoir on the Khmer Rouge take over is not what you would expect from someone writing in Coddenham. Unless, of course, they...

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Thy Kingdom Come via Zoom!

Thy Kingdom Come via Zoom! Will the schools open or not? Will we be allowed to visit family anytime soon? Will holiday plans have to be cancelled? I think that sometimes the lack of certainty is...

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VE Day Celebrations

Friday 8th May is a Bank Holiday designated as a time of celebration for the 75th anniversary of VE Day.  Many events had been organised to celebrate this important event and to commemorate those...

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Thank You

Many thanks to all those who have contributed rainbows for the Community Shop window.  What a creative village we are!  There is still plenty of space in the windows so keep them coming!  Either...

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Opportunities to Worship

Following successful Sunday services held on Zoom, the benefice is now able to offer two further opportunities for virtual worship.  You can join Morning Prayer on Tuesday at 10am and Evening Prayer...

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Funeral of Helen Wyles

Helen Wyles will be laid to rest at 3.15pm at the Old Crematorium, Ipswich on Wednesday 15th April. In line with the current restrictions, immediate relations only can attend. However, in order for...

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